Stinque Sells Out

A kitty. An iPad. Fruit Ninja.

We have no shame.

[via Know Your Meme]

@Benedick: You and your hippity hop music and the video games! Youth today!

Only 63 or so views. Selling out takes work.

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: You do not want to be near me when I play Angry Birds. I get an update: it’s aced. I have been reduced to looking at how-to vids (that’s short for videos) on youtube trying to find the last three hidden golden pineapples on ABs Rio. I refuse to be ashamed.

@Walking Still: Give it time. Monday’s post didn’t take off until the next day.

@Walking Still: Failure confirmed.

Which is good news, really. If I can’t command a 30K post, there’s no point trying. It’s not that I have high standards. I’m just incompetent.

@nojo: Start featuring the twitter feed of Banana Sam, the squirrel monkey stolen from the SF Zoo a couple days ago, and the page views will roll in.

/Aside: What’s up with the Ess Eff Zoo and the end of December bringing out the jackasses? About five years ago some drunk fucktards from San Jose snuck into the zoo and tormented a tiger who finally attacked them (and killed one of them, and the poor tiger was shot dead by the SFPD), I think a koala was stolen right around Christmas a couple years ago by some idiot who wanted to give it to his girlfriend as a present, and now the squirrel monkey is stolen.

@SanFranLefty: Monkey On The Lam is Colbert’s turf.


Better luck next critter. Son #2 noted that the video had been posted to Reddit at more or less the same time you posted it here.

Cat video is a cutthroat world (I would have said “dog eat dog” but that would have been a too weirdly mixed metaphor).

@Walking Still: The secret sauce is StumbleUpon — 25K views via that source, and everything else presumably an after-effect.

Theory: If you actually use StumbleUpon, you’re highly unlikely to frequent Reddit. And me, I visit Know Your Meme on the daily rounds, since they’ll often have something I can use as a backup in case The Day In Politics doesn’t interest me. The secret to longevity is being able to ignore Bachmann Campaign Defections if they’re stupefyingly dull.

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