The Donald considers canceling debate, lashes out at Crazy Eyes: “She came up to see me four times. She would call me and ask me for advice. She said if she wins, she would like to think about me for the vice presidency. Most importantly, I did a two-hour phone call for her with her people… And after all that, she announced she was not going to do the debate. It’s called loyalty. How do you do that? It’s amazing to me.” [AP, via Political Wire]


And then Donald’s Debate is saved when Kim Kardashian agrees to stand in for Palin. The following day 15% of Republican primary voters support her because she is an “outsider” with “fresh ideas”.

I suppose it’s too much to hope for that Trump gets so pissed that he launches a 3rd party campaign?

@Jesuswalksinidaho: I would reckon her credentials are better than Palin’s. I’m waiting for the day that Snooki gets on board.

P.S. Clowns freak me out. Hope this guy is off the top of the page soon.

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