Apple Store, SoHo, Manhattan, 9:30 AM

My girlfriend took this photo this morning:


Oh, for fuck’s sake. Bet some homeless family could use all the bitten apples people are leaving around. Pfft.

How beautiful. I am so ferklempt about his death. For a Syrian boy he did good.

@JNOV: Darling, normal rules do not apply. He was a prophet, a seer, a maje: we’re all bereft now he’s gone.

He was magic. We will not see his like again. He was poetry and pragmatism. The man who united geek with Bang and Olufsen to make the most beautiful whatsits ever. And the most beautiful death: a real man; a pioneer; one of ours.

I love the apple minus one bite. So touching.

Remember when we all had to give up on the rainbow apple to accept the white apple? Oh the outrage.

@Benedick: He was a dude. He had a fine grasp on elegant design and on meshing different things he saw here and there and pushing the creation of something not necessarily original in each component part but an original end product that made people’s lives easier/different/more exciting.

He was a megalomaniac who thought he knew what we wanted. He was often right.

His great gift was seeing individual puzzle pieces and encouraging/driving others who had the know how to assemble the puzzle they didn’t know existed.

But all this Jobs is gawd crap? No. Right guy at usually the right time. Gifted in many ways but no more so than many other artists.

Sad, painful death like so many others who will always remain unknown despite their contributions to the world.

His company treats workers in the US and abroad pretty crappily. The face of Apple, yes, but not its soul. It’s soulless, and I will hesitate to buy another Apple product. I sure as shit ain’t making a pilgrimage to leave some fruit at the Altar of Steve.

Strikingly similar to the memorial left for the guy who invented post-it notes.

@texrednface: I’m thinking they’re thinking of Apple stickies.

@texrednface: Yeah. Pain in the ass to turn on the computer and find a sticky from your mom.

Nojo: site looks good. Like the red reply arrow best. Oh, and avatar help.

@Baked: Hey — there’s avatar help now!

@redmanlaw: Given that the Yanks, Sawx and Fillies crapped out with their high dollar teams, Moneyball is now a lock for an Oscar.

@JNOV: The avatar help’s been there all along, but nobody knew where to find it…

@Dodgerblue: It was actually new people showing up and being stuck with snowflakes, or not knowing how the @ works. Figured I needed to stick the essential info in front of their noses.

@nojo: Potential bug: the topics in the “latest comments” section are not hyperlinked any more, although the names of the commenters still are. This causes the loss of precious seconds that I could otherwise spend downloading porn watching UCLA lose in football doing something productive.

@Dodgerblue: That was deliberate, because of the countless times I tried to finger-stab a comment on my iPad, and hit the post link instead.

But that’s one of those judgment calls that can be easily overruled. The floor is open.

@nojo: I the iPadless, do hit the wrong thing on my phone, but I’m cool with whatever y’all decide.

@nojo and Dodgerblue: Heh. Nice avatar, Dodge. What was the old one? A boid?

@nojo: I liked the hyperlink in the latest comments section. But otherwise, nice re-boot. Dare I say, elegant?

@JNOV: A juvenile red taild hawk that was sitting in my tree one day.
@Nabisco: Agree.

@Dodgerblue: @Nabisco: Hearing no objections, The Chair rules that it’s back.

@Nabisco: 99% of the reboot is under the hood — had to clear out a lot of gunk to keep pace with WordPress upgrades. The few visual changes were just taking the opportunity to address some longstanding annoyances.

@nojo: This is the kind of leadership America needs. Where’s the pizza?

Silent Creative Partner’s MacBook died in solidarity this morning, so he headed to the Sandy Eggo Apple Store to check out new models, and found this outside.

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