Words Suck

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In a week where we’ve seen Idiocracy referenced even more than usual, it’s fitting that MTV has released a preview for the return this fall of Mike Judge’s original idiots, Beavis and Butt-Head. Cowacornhole, dude!

[via Comics Alliance]

The cruel irony of throwing about Idiocracy is that it’s not the people who watched Beevis and Butthead who want financial ruin but more than likely the dipshit olds who shrieked about it.

Oh man. I might be able to forgive them for what they did to Skins after this.

I went to law school with Mike Judge’s sister. She was a former journalist. Their mom was a librarian at – Highland High. Their dad is an anthropologist specializing in ancient southwestern Indian cultures.

Oh! I might have to get cable.

ADD: Ren and Stimpy would seal the deal.

ADDD: And do they really need to hate on Snookie like that? Sheesh. (I had no idea the young dude was hooking up with her. Um. Please tell me Pauly D didn’t.)

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