Buttsecks for Beginners.

Like most of us here I demand at least dinner and a movie before I get something hard crammed up my ass.

However, it seems that most of the politicians in the U.K. — past, present, and future — are only to glad to spread ’em for Rupert’s giant ravening kangareamer — no questions asked. This has shocked the New York Review of Books. No but srsly, stop laughing. The word ‘mephitic’ has been invoked to describe Murdoch’s back door access. Question is — who’s the top? Murdoch? Blair? Cameron? Thatcher? Katy Price?

It seems that prime minister Tony Blair, bumsniffer extraordinaire, actually informed Rupert Murdoch of his intentions before telling HRH. (I know your eyes are glazing: I feel it through the keyboard but allow me to explicate.) The queen invites the winner of a general election, or the leader of whatever coalition has been cobbled together after same, to form a government. He is prime minister, technically, at her pleasure. This is not only a serious breach of etiquette but is a constitutional stunner. It would be as if some jumped-up fairy on some trash TV show dared criticize the secretary of state for her fashion sense or personal appearance. Obviously such a thing could never happen. It would be unthinkable.

I rest my cankles.


Re: the image – well *that’s* a joke I totally missed in Blazing Saddles…

In the last week I have had the dubious pleasure of both my very first prostate examination AND emergency treatment at the hospital for severely impacted constipation. While I have a newly minted respect for the pain threshold of gay men, my boyhood decision to go the hetero route has never before seemed quite so richly rewarding.

Okay, the first 10 minutes of tonight’s Daily Show had me laughing harder than I have in several months…

@Dave H: Baby Doll, I am so with Andrew. You need to experience the full buttsecks revelation in a bed with a trucker.

No one likes the hospital impaction excavation. But, on the other hand, when you’re forced to visit with your regular doctor’s stand in because you have this cough and he turns out to be this really studly ex-officer who orders you to get out of your clothes like NOW and he looks you over the way you know you deserve before he slides you back onto the table and straps your ankles into the stirrups…

Well that’s different.

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