If By “Nation” You Mean Nancy Grace

“Casey Anthony was found not guilty Tuesday of murdering her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony, after a trial that riveted the nation with its twists and turns.” [MSNBC]


One thing’s for sure. If I’m ever in trouble then I don’t want Nancy Grace anywhere near my defense team.

I attended a seminar taught by some chick who claims to be friends with the Shrew and has appeared on her orgy of death and destruction TV program. She told the audience that Grace is actually “very sweet” in person, like that’s some sort of mitigating circumstance.

Oh okay, lady. Now that I know she acts differently when she’s not using other people’s tragedies to line her pocket, I guess that makes everything okay.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ:

I’d argue that deliberately creating a psychobitch persona for CA$$H is even *worse* than just naturally being one…

I need a ruling: apparently N Grace has a show starting a half-hour. Is it worth my time to watch, as an educational experience into a hitherto-ignored strain of The Crazy?

“This case has sex, lies and videotapes — just like on reality TV.”
Yeah, except that, for all that reality TV is more closely related to a rotting carcass than actual entertainment, said rotting carcass usually isn’t a two-year-old. Some people make me sick.

[Insert obligatory, almost trite reference to number of kids killed in inner cities during pendency of case, lack of omnipresent cable network coverage for said tragedies, etc. etc. etc.]

BTW: I’m willing to bet that this story was merely an Orlando story until THAT PHOTO of Caylee (the one with the impossibly large, doe-like eyes) came to the attention of a CNN producer.

That was the hook. The cable nets swallowed the hook, line, sinker and half the fishing pole. That’s your story… not the acquital.

A child rapist/murderer only rapes and murders each child once.

Nancy Grace & Co. rape and murder that child over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over; until a better looking/whiter child gets raped/murdered so they can start raping & murdering that child over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over; until . . .

As vile as the most prodigious child rapist/murderer may be, Nancy Grace is several orders of magnitude worse: and if you watch her, you’re not much better.

jaycubed, best perspective ever of what this helmet headed whore does for a living. She even shilled her kids during slow times. And this isn’t real news for the national press, it is a local Florida story. I want to think it is part of the sad state that the press in that this is covered outside of Florida at all but it is not really new behavior.

I reecently read a bio of Will Rogers and in 1927 he lamented the coverage of the Ruth Snyder trial vs the the death and destruction brought on by flooding along the Mississsippi.

@jaycubed: Well, I’m watching her right now (for educational purposes only) — and she is getting outcrazied by her band of unmerry men and women.

I think she’s had seven talking heads on her show so far, and it’s not ten minutes old. And several of them straight-up insulted the jury. I don’t know that much about the case (praise God), but they really haven’t come to grips with the fact that their storyline did not pan out.

We pin a lot of blame on Nancy Grace. As we should. But she has a lot of enablers.

Gladys Kravitz with a mean streak.

@chicago bureau: Meanwhile, in News of Sport ™, the World’s Greatest Event is entering Day 5 with perennial runner-up Cadel Evans (aka Mr. Two Week in a three week race) showing well, Thor “God of Thunder” Hushold surprising everyone with a strong finish during an uphill sprint on Day 4 (and holding onto the Mellow Johnny), and my favorite whipping boy, Twiggy, dinged at the finish line in what he thought was a photo finish. It was, but he lost and remains 1.30+ behind on the leaderboard.

If it is July, it must be PEDs in the Pyrennes.

@Nabisco: not terribly thrilled with Le Tour. I think that Lance is lying through his teeth (though I wouldn’t by any stretch wish Nancy Grace on him), and I’ll bet that racers are STILL doping, even after all that has gone before.

Nevertheless, Phil Liggett is the best play-by-play man in the biz.

@chicago bureau: I’m in denial about Lance, but *if* he doped, he still crushed all the others who were doping along side of him.

It’s still the most elegant 21 day horse race on the planet and yes, Liggett is brilliant.

Madame Grace bullied a woman into commiting suicide some time back. I’d linky but I am in the car coming home from the 4th (and my grandmother’s 90th birthday).

Alas, a sick sad world we live in, no? Anything else happen while I was away?

@chicago bureau: Ever notice how few French cyclists ever were accused of doping?

Ever wonder how they managed to keep up when everybody else involved was?

I’m proud of myself for knowing nothing of this court case until now. What a waste. However, I am now sullied. Did they ever release the OJ trial highlights on Blue ray?

Can I just threadjack for a second to say how entirely pissed off I am about the SCOTUS decision on video games? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think they made the right call. What I’m actually pissed about is the fact that the whole thing has rekindled all this controversy about video games ruining children and parents should have the right to blah, blah fucking BLAH.

The thing most (not all) people are blatantly ignoring is that there’s this nifty thing called the ESRB Retail Council. Their sole purpose is to make sure that major games retailers do not sell M-rated games to children under 17. All the law would have done, had the Supreme Court decided the other way is made the age 18 and made it a fucking felony to sell these games to kids. Like . . . it wouldn’t actually help keep games away from kids, it would’ve just made the consequences more severe. In fact, the ESRB claims that a good 90% of the time, under our current system, retailers DO NOT sell M-rated games to minors.

The entire California bill was just a waste of taxpayer time and money.

@Nabisco: Just reading rhe words “uphill sprint” makes me tired.

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