Herman Cain Makes Strong Bid for Stinque Endorsement

“The [reorganization] move, which shakes the campaign of the tea party favorite into turmoil in a state where he’s staking much of his 2012 hopes, comes after weeks of swirling rumors between Cain’s staff and volunteers in the Hawkeye State accusing each other of affairs, homosexuality and professional misconduct.” [Politico, via Political Wire]


Yeah cause telling people to eat more pizza is what it takes to run a political campaign.

Gawd, it’s slow out there today, unless you care about Casey Anthony.

@nojo: Well, Politico has a big piece on how Mike Lee is a role model to tea-baggers.

@jwmcsame: SFL noted that in a comment over the weekend. Although, granted, July 4 weekend is where blogs go to die.

@nojo: I don’t even know who the fuck she is, but I love that the internet is openly wishing that shrieking cunt Nancy Grace will die in an explosion of her own rage because of this.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Might as well post it. Pizza’s getting cold.

Affairs, homosexuality and professional misconduct ( and no Oxford comma, fuck them) — just another day in the Los Angeles legal community.

@Dodgerblue: I missed the homosexuality aspect and, as you know, I’m a big fan.

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