Amid Scandal, Wingnuts Clueless

  • PajamasMedia: “Hey Reuters, Anthony Weiner is a Democrat”
  • Big Journalism: “Correction Request: Reuters IDs Weiner as ‘Republican'”
  • Weasel Zippers: “Reuters Labels Weiner A ‘Republican’ After He Resigns”
  • Reuters: “Amid scandal, U.S. Rep. Weiner set to resign”

Wait, what?

Sure enough. Nothing wrong with Reuters. So what about that other headline?

Well, it’s from IBNLiveIndian Broadcasting Network, to be specific.

And all those wingnut media watchdogs are missing a very old fact about wire services: Local papers rewrite headlines. In this case, it’s clear that the Indian wire editor mistook “Representative” for “Republican”.

So instead of catching Reuters in a tit-for-tat about legendary Fox News party mislabeling, all the wingnut watchdogs have done is reveal themselves to be absolutely fucking clueless about a standard practice of journalism.

Which isn’t news to us.


Darling, you know how I worry about you. Are you now reading Indian outlets? How will you ever find time to play your favorite show recordings? To say nothing of playing Steamballs. Which is – I have this on good authority – Weiner’s favorite game.

@Benedick HRH KFC: You should worry that I didn’t manage to squeeze in a Bollywood reference.

@Benedick HRH KFC: And the manscaping. Don’t forget the manscaping..crucial, and time consuming.

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