Ding-Dong! Asshole Calling!

Are we done with bulging underwear yet? Because something like this would make us drop a load on the spot:

The state director of the conservative group Americans for Prosperity offered no apologies today for papering homes in Detroit’s Delray district Monday with fake eviction notices.

Bearing the words “Eviction Notice” in large type, the bogus notices told homeowners their properties could be taken by the Michigan Department of Transportation to make way for the New International Trade Crossing bridge project. The NITC is the subject of debate in Lansing, and Americans for Prosperity is lobbying heavily against it.

“It was meant to startle people,” Scott Hagerstrom, the group’s state director, said today. “We really wanted people to take notice. This is the time that their opinions need to be heard. We wanted people to read it.”

Please direct your angry mob to the AFP Michigan office at 222 W. Genesee Street, 2nd Floor, Lansing. Tell them you just want to startle them.

Conservative group: Fake eviction notices were ‘meant to startle people’ [Detroit Free Press]

A quick search showed that this “group” is a bunch of whores (like Ewik Ewicsson who got busted for announcing to the world that his fat ass was sale) who seem to be bought and paid for by the private owner of the Ambassador Bridge (yeah, owner) who would put out by the publicly funded NITC. Only one of two privately owned border crossings between Canada City and US America.


Superhighway, anyone? Which makes me think of Superbus a spoof disaster movie about a transcontinental luxury bus overcoming all kinds of obstacles to bring a bunch of rich losers from NYC to LA. I thought it was hilarious but it’s never been released on tape or DVD. At least, not when I was awake.

Best quote:

Ambassador Bridge owner: “Although we disagree with plans for a bridge that would disrupt the neighborhood and displace residents, we would never distribute misleading information to disturb or upset residents.”

Of course you wouldn’t, you useless slimy fuckbag. Instead, you’d hire a shadowy group of conserva-whores to provide plausible deniability.

that kinda shit will get you shot on rocky top.

@Benedick HRH KFC: wasn’t OJ in that movie? speaking of juice, he finished second to reggie bush in the la times ranking of most controversial trojans. i guess double murder doesn’t compare to the unspeakable sin of getting a national title and a heisman trophy vacated at Under Sanctions Continuously. sorry if the mention of sports killed your buzz.

@jwmcsame: He was? I remember Stockard Channing and Lynn Redgrave.

This proves again what I have always known: the national leaders of wingnut orgs (right and left) are nuts, but tempered by experience and (most of the time) some amount of tact and strategic thinking. If you want unvarnished, full-on crazy, the state-level is always your best bet.

Nobody in D.C. would ever say a fake eviction notice is the best way to win friends and influence people. Truly.

@jwmcsame: THANK YOU for raising U$C being defrocked. We (esp. adherents of all things Tree) are grateful.

@chicago bureau: Couldn’t happen to a more deserving school.

Real psychoconservatives would have just hired fucking snipers.

@chicago bureau and Dodgerblue: Ahh, the good old common ground upon which all fans of the Tree and Bruins can join hands – the mutual hatred of U$C.

@jwmcsame: Not to mention Reggie Bush’s unpardonable sin of fucking one of the Kardashian girls (I forget which one – she has fake boobs and a first name that starts with a K), whose dead daddy was one of OJ’s attorneys, thus bringing the threadjack around full circle.

@SanFranLefty: i forgot about that. OJ only had one good attorney, but that’s all he needed in LA anyway. nevada was a different story. any body see the aphrodite jones special about how the goldmans actions led to OJ fucking up in vegas and finally getting prison time like he deserved?

the prequel to the college world series starts this weekend. Stanford must travel to UNC. Cal and UC Irvine is in. Irvine must have something going on out there. Who is their coach? the Tennessee Vols need to steal him if we can’t get Serrano to leave fullerton. My Vols also need an AD after yesterday. We can’t keep a coach or an AD. we suck and that really sux. The only thing we got going on is the lady vols but i just can’t watch them. The SEC has 4 teams still alive though one will die because fla plays miss st. Watch out for the gators if any of your california teams face them. Is buster posey gonna fully recover? that dude was a bad mofo in the college world series a few years ago. i hope he doesn’t end up like ray fosse after pete rose ran him completely over.

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