Rick Santorum Commits Unpardonable Sin of Making Us Respect John McCain
America’s Frothy Mixture of Lube and Fecal Matter says he can teach John McCain a thing or two about torture:
Hugh Hewitt: Now your former colleague, John McCain, said look, there’s no record, there’s no evidence here that these methods actually led to the capture or the killing of bin Laden. Do you disagree with that? Or do you think he’s got an argument?
Rick Santorum: I don’t, everything I’ve read shows that we would not have gotten this information as to who this man was if it had not been gotten information from people who were subject to enhanced interrogation. And so this idea that we didn’t ask that question while Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was being waterboarded, he doesn’t understand how enhanced interrogation works. I mean, you break somebody, and after they’re broken, they become cooperative. And that’s when we got this information. And one thing led to another, and led to another, and that’s how we ended up with bin Laden.
Since Salon has done us the favor of reading a McCain memoir, we’ll let them provide the relevant passage:
Eventually, I gave them my ship’s name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant. Pressed for more useful information, I gave the names of the Green Bay Packers offensive line, and said they were members of my squadron.
Thank God the Viet Cong never got to Francis Peay, Bill Lueck, Ken Bowman, Gale Gillingham, and Dick Himes — although since the Packers went 6-8 in 1970, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference.
Santorum: What does McCain know about torture? [Salon]
one of the bush boys said today that KSM was admired by his torturers for his ability to stand up to waterboarding and would count the seconds left before they stopped on his fingers for them. i can’t find the article though. the liberal media musta made it go away.
The more broader question is what does Rick Santorum know about anything?
I suspect the answer will be: Santorum (as in the substance.)
@jwmcsame: I saw or heard a reference to the counting story yesterday. Unless we’re suffering from mass delusion.
It’s been mentioned and repeated from the start that KSM provided false info, although we don’t know whether he listed the Kuwait soccer team. The early spin was that the torturers enhanced interrogators knew it was false info, and used that as a reverse clue — a tell. But I think the spin has changed over the past couple weeks.
@nojo: either way, frothy just cain’t get no break. how hard must it be for him to try to keep his cool about his infamous google legend? when will he flat out go off and start yelling that “you motherfuckers fucked me up” on live television? the longer he holds it in, the better the blow up will eventually be. like when bobby knight wouldn’t go off for a while………and then one day.. kaboom, a new instant greatest hit.
@jwmcsame: Dan Savage’s place in American cultural history was already secure with his naughty sex column. But then he launched the Santorum site. And then he launched the It Gets Better videos.
Bastard. All I can claim is a fleeting Where’s the Bozo Certificate billboard on Countdown.
Wouldn’t it be more elegant to refer to him as ‘America’s assfuck spume’?
@nojo: start a neuter newt campaign. all the ugly women in america would offer their whole hearted support. they wouldn’t have to worry about newly neutered newt hitting on them any more.
@jwmcsame: What is Newt short for, BTW? (And how the fuck could we have a prznit called that?) Neutron? Neutral? Neuter?
@Benedick HRH KFC: It’s a lizard his mother used for a dildo when the father became impotent from sniffing glue.
Judging by the 250K-500K debt he owes to Tiffany’s thanks to wifey number three, he’s pretty much neutered right now.
@ManchuCandidate: Nice to know the Rimshot Button still works.
@Benedick HRH KFC: Newton Leroy Gingrich.
Age 67, to answer a question that’s crossed my mind. Last Hurrah.
ADD: Wait! There’s more!
Gingrich was born Newton Leroy McPherson, at the Harrisburg Hospital in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on June 17, 1943. His mother, Kathleen “Kit” Daugherty (1925–2003), and father, Newton Searles McPherson, had married the previous September, but the marriage reportedly fell apart within days. In 1946, his mother married Army officer Robert Gingrich (1925–1996), who adopted Newt.
No shame in being the child of a broken marriage. Unless your name’s Obama.
Santorum has to be the most stupid frothy substance on the planet. Latte foam is Einstein in comparison.
@jwmcsame: @Benedick HRH KFC: I want to see him cry while holding a doll dressed just like him.
seriously now: what I cannot understand is what Republicans think they are going to achieve for their progeny. They are that stupid? Don’t care that no one will mourn when they’re dead?
@ChainSaw: We’ve missed you! How the he’ll have you been? How was Indonesia? Have you dismantled the Fiji v Tongo tension yet? It’s the top story in Kiwi-Land along with the Spermanator, the Kiwi winning the Modesto stage of the Tour d’ California, some rugby guy signing on with the All Blacks, and the IMF dude. Damn the Kiwis hate the Frogs but I’m not sure why — the French didn’t have their back in Gallipoli?
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