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Our guest columnist is the Associated Press.
Friday is royal wedding day in London and our report will look a little different.
As Prince William and Kate Middleton say their vows, The Associated Press will be alerting every development, running live video in SD and HD, tweeting and posting on Facebook, updating a multifaceted interactive, sending four radio packages an hour and filing hundreds of photographs from key vantage points.
We will also be creating something new: an hours-long running account of the wedding in progress for text subscribers — a little like what we’ve done with major sporting events such as the Super Bowl and top World Cup matches. Our text coverage for the big day will be three-tiered: A minute-by-minute running account of the events, APNewsAlerts and APNewsNows when events merit, and full stories including a mainbar and sidebars.
Extended television coverage of the day’s events will be available on APTN Direct from 0600 GMT (0700 BST; 2 a.m. EDT) until 1700 GMT (1800 BST; 1 p.m. EDT)…
Please note – The Royal Wedding LIVE feed will be NO ACCESS UK/BLOOMBERG/AL JAZEERA.
APTN Direct Customers will be provided with a full day of LIVE coverage in Standard Definition from 0600 GMT until approximately 1700 GMT which will include beauty shots and crowds gathering at Buckingham Palace, the journey to and from Westminster Abbey and the newlyweds much anticipated kiss on the Palace balcony…
AP journalists will also be tweeting in the build-up to and throughout the royal wedding day. Follow our flagship Twitter and Facebook accounts as AP journalists use social media during the big day. Reporters, producers, photographers and video journalists will be tweeting from the streets. The AP will also bring audiences behind the scenes with a look at how the AP is covering such a huge event…
AP Interactives will add an audio slideshow on Kate’s dress to the existing interactive on the day of the wedding. The interactive already includes Twitter updates from AP journalists covering the wedding, and that feed will continue on the wedding day. Other features include a map of the procession route, a video animation explaining the succession to the British throne and info on the royal family.
Alas, we don’t subscribe to APTN Direct, and so we are unable to bring you eleven hours of live streaming coverage. In its place, please enjoy this video of a fuckable robot.
How the AP will cover the Royal Wedding [Romenesko]
[Video via Nerdist]
Guess I’m not a very loyal subject as I prefer sleep over watching upper class twits marry.
@ManchuCandidate: That’s the benefit of being an American in general — not having to give a shit. About anything.
In its place, please enjoy this video of a fuckable robot.
I don’t see footage of Keanu Reeves anywhere.
The six percent Americans who are “following with any close attention the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton” have a big job ahead of them.
It makes sense though that the AP would blow its budget covering this wedding so thoroughly given that their coverage of American politics is limited to stenography.
Also, too, that fuckable robot? It’s got the controls in the wrong place. They should be on the side or at the back, otherwise the user, when collapsing forward, is going to accidentally hit a whole bunch of buttons he may wish he hadn’t hit.
@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That:
Sorry… I prefer the Summer Glau version.
What I don’t get is the media’s obsession with it. Tornadoes in the South, turmoil in the ME. Yet the MSM focuses on people who won the genetic lottery (sort of.)
@ManchuCandidate: Someone on the Book of Faces snidely told me that it’s better to think about happy things than deal with the sad reality that there are 300+ people dead and tens of thousands of homeless in a disaster that is on par with Katrina, not to mention millions repressed in the ME and an unending quagmire in Afghanistan. Nothing to see here — let’s all be happy! Let’s not worry about what needs to be taken care of and go for some mindless distractions, etc.!
Perhaps it’s the former print reporter in me clinging onto the rotting corpse of decent American journalism, but I would rather deal with cold harsh reality than eat up the tripe given to me by the media as it is now.
OT, the top blurb on Mike Allen’s Playbook email this morning:
QUICK-THINKING AWARD: Brian Williams landed in London yesterday to lead NBC’s royal-wedding coverage, read his BlackBerry messages about the tornadoes that had lacerated the Deep South, and turned the car around to go back to Heathrow. He never even saw the set. He was in the chair at 30 Rock last night, and will anchor “Nightly” and a “Dateline” special tonight from Tuscaloosa, Ala. Meredith and Matt are handling the wedding. Brian blogs the tick-tock: “NBC News President Steve Capus made the call: He said I should go home.” Let’s make sure we never fail to call an audible like that in our own lives. http://on.msnbc.com/j579QN
@rptrcub: So I guess that there’s at least one reporter who gets it.
Breaking: Today’s Endeavor launch scrubbed because of a problem with a power unit.
@SanFranLefty: I heard about that on the radio earlier today. Sounded significant to me.
“Two heaters on one of Endeavour’s auxiliary power units, which power hydraulics systems on the shuttle during its return to Earth, failed this morning, rendering the unit useless. Though Endeavour has a total of three units, NASA needs working spares of these critical systems.”
Yeah, you don’t want a crash landing for the final shuttle flight.
@SanFranLefty: Ed was pre-empted by Meredith and Matt last night. I’m not sure which would have been worse.
@redmanlaw: Especially with you-know-who’s husband on board.
@karen marie has her eyes tight shut: All 6 percent are my Facebook friends, apparently.
@flippin eck: My dog and I watched it. We like hats.
@SanFranLefty: Yeah, he “gets it” that his boss ordered him back on the plane.
“NBC News President Steve Capus made the call: He said I should go home.”
Williams gets credit for doing what he’s told. Surprise!
@Dodgerblue: Which hat was the doggy’s favorite?
@karen marie has her eyes tight shut: Oh, I don’t think Williams is some big standard bearer of journalistic judgment, I thought it was more telling that Mike Allen felt the need to start the Playlist with that nugget.
Right now, the journalist I’m digging is Bob Schieffer who didn’t mince words about Donald Trump.
Is there a pool for whether and when WaPo withdraws its invitation to Trump to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner or Trump remembers that’s the night he’s supposed to wash his hair?
@Dodgerblue: Ditto. I’m able to closely follow more than one story at a time.
@rptrcub: Reality and happiness are mutually exclusive now. But it hasn’t all gone to H-E-double-hockey-sticks: Let’s sing a karaoke duet! Howz about Knowing Me, Knowing You.
I’ll start: 3… 2… 1…
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