Teabagged Enough Already

“Nearly half of all Americans have an unfavorable view of the tea party movement, putting it in the same company as the Democratic and Republican parties, according to a new national poll… The 32 percent favorable rating is down five points from December.” [CNN]


Good news, but I wish CNN and friends would stop pretending that the teabaggers are “another party” and not a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican party – especially since they seem to be moving towards trying to present “three views” on everything. We don’t need “insane right, far-right, and sorta-right-but-not-willing-to-shit-in-poor-peoples-mouths” coverage masquerading as “journalism”.

@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One:
It’s done by David E Kelly and it sounds more like Ally McBeal with a lasso (bad.)

@al2o3cr: insane right, far-right, and sorta-right-but-not-willing-to-shit-in-poor-peoples-mouths

That’s the best summary of the “three” parties I’ve seen yet.


amazing how much better a little heal height makes everything look isnt it?

@SanFranLefty: I prefer Xena, Warrior Princess. Actually I like her pal Gabrielle better — more fun, not so dour.

@Dodgerblue: Oh, Jeez! I’m having an Austin Moment. I used to spend my birthdays in Austin, like when I had money to go places and stuff. Anyway, there was some sort of Xena spinoff, I think it was The Beastmaster or something like that. Dumb as shit. Fun to watch hungover.

@Dodgerblue: I bet you like them together most of all, if you catch my leering drift.

I know what straight boys like…

@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: Oh. Ew. Boo! May I reiterate my Summer Glau love? She was so kickass in TSCC. She’d be a great Wonder Woman.

@JNOV: Oh, wait, there is a girl in that terrible suit! I was blinded by the gold lame.

I think you are right, Summer is much more adorable.

@JNOV: Power Girl is hot. Hey, have you guys seen the Covergirls of the DC Universe statues? Mr. ‘Catt and I have 3 of them and counting…we keep saying to ourselves that we are going to stop, but, of course, they keep coming out with cool ones and we keep buying….

/total geekout

@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: She is IRL, too. Really interesting person.

Okay. You must stop buying those things.

My brother has a shitton of idunnowhat statues — I think mostly X-Men and shit (I’m still on Team Marvel, BTW), and he has them all posed in battle positions and shit. I’m talking at least 60 of these things on a dining room table. Our other brother was staying at his place, and he moved all the figures into sexual positions.

@JNOV: Spoilsport.

@Dodgerblue: Right? The only one I don’t like is the Batgirl one.

@Tommmmmm and Dodger Need To Grow the Fuck Up :-P: How about instead of buying those things, you and Dodger fly my poor ass out to SoCal? ADD: CosPlay, such as.

Have you guys heard of “Real Girl” and “Not Nice Girls”?

@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: Can we sell him? Seriously, you guys can wear whatever you want.

Speaking of cartoonish characters – meet The Governator cartoon.

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