Are You Ready for Some Puppies?

Today is Day One of the Greatest Event to be at Madison Square Garden, to wit, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Tonight is the judging of the Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting, and Herding breeds. Tomorrow night is Sporting, Working, and Terrier breeds, and of course, Best in Show.  The poodle better not win.

I can’t decide who my all-time favorite Best in Show is. I was there when Josh the Newfie won, and who could forget Uno the Beagle?

[WKC Dog Show Info]
[Best in Show (movie)]

I don’t think that Fred Willard’s commentator character in Best in Show was much of an exaggeration. The WKC commentator just remarked about the “Oriental eyes” of one of the dogs.

The Pedigree ad about the shelter dogs slays me.

Yay puppies! Happiness and joy.

I can’t believe I almost missed You Know What Day. Did we already exchange cards? I got a very special one for ya’ll.

I gave Mr. ¡A! flowers, and he took Homer Simpson’s advice and surprised me with a pasta salad and a bow on his wang. I hope everyone else’s day was as enjoyable.


Darling: ‘whit’. Shh. Ok. Kisses.

Our 41st anniversary tomorrow. The bollocks anniversary. Between the Rock of the 40th and the Hard of the 42nd.

What could go wrong?

This is the only time I miss having a teevee. Super Bowl, Oscars, meh. But puppeeez? WANT.

@Mistress Cynica: The tubez don’t have it? Check. The herding group tonight was worth it. Don’t you and Mr. Cyn have a buddy who is a bartender in your town who would put it on for you tomorrow night? I once watched Night Two of WKC in a bar – it was So.Much.Fun.

@Benedick: Really? Whit? /hangs head.

@SanFranLefty: I have never seen “to whit”–is that some Limey thing? I mean, we love Benedick, but he did just use single quotes. Inside the period.

@Mistress Cynica: All we need is another honoured foetus comment to convince us only the Limeys put a silent H in wit…

@Mistress Cynica: Oh and P.S. a big heh heh heh w/r/t the single quotes.

To wit (snicker), this week’s LTE in The Economist:

An internal matter

SIR – As we here in the United States read your excellent reporting, we learn to sail right over such Britishisms as the epenthetic u in labour and colour, the absence of the period after Mr and Ms, and the strange placement of commas and periods outside of quotation marks. But when you invent such a new, and important, government department as “the Inland Revenue Service”, we can’t help but stop and blink, and think, where are we now? (“God knows”, January 29th.)

James Dew
Santa Barbara, California

Editor’s note: We should have called America’s tax-collection agency by its correct name, the Internal Revenue Service. Sorry.

I’m glad the pekingese won the toy group. I love the way they walk roll when they take their turn across the ring. But the herding group judging was bullshit. The corgi was robbed.

@Mistress Cynica: HA! They talk funny over there. And he’s not a Limey — he’s a friggin SCOT! They make Colin Farrell sound intelligible.

(Um, but I am on team whit.)

BTW, I like cat shows better, because those are some crazy people there. As much as I hate Triumph the Comic Dog (okay, I used to like him, but the “for me to poop on” got old REALLY fast), did you see him at the dog show? People let a hand puppet hump their dogs.

Is there a papillion? How can you not love a fluttterby?

@Mistress Cynica: Inside the period.

Full stop. If we’re going there.

@¡Andrew!: Ha! And hooray! I expressed my extreme displeasure with this fucked up day (oh, it’s over! ’bout time) with EVERYONE who mentioned it. Bullshit “holiday.”

Oh, and: To wit, I don’t give a whit.

@nojo: Oh, please — your commas are still outside the quotation marks.

Oh. Lefty — you are correct according to Mac’s OED lite. Don’t listen to that curmudgeon anymore.

@nojo: “Inside the period.” Yes, we’re going there, AGAIN.


@Mistress Cynica: Any nation that venerates “Robert the Bruce” is immediately suspect of leg-pulling.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Does DeNiro stink like a motherfucker? Maybe it has something to do with the Golden Globes.

Dodge — what does your family call that thing?

Do liberals ever buy fucking Google ads? Like one? Ever? Jesus.

@JNOV: @JNOV: @JNOV: Sleep much?

:: rubs sleep from eyes, goes back to bed ::

i think Bella’s group is tonight. let’s look for and root for our girl…Cane Corso Italiano!
they brought a therapy shih tzu into my dad’s hospital room that looked just like my bernie who died on the plane from israel to T&C. like i wasn’t crying enough already.
@lefty…oh yes, i’m so sick of that poodle!

Bugger. I missed the dachshunds. In breaking news, the OH is now actively threatening me with a pug pup. Do not want.

@SanFranLefty: Is this another transatlantic language issue like capitalizing the days of the week (took me years to figure that out) and saying ‘around’ instead of ’round’?

Let me make clear my position: ‘wit’ means ‘wit’ and ‘whit’ means ‘whit’.

Clearly that is how God intends it to be and who am I to argue? And yes, single quotation marks do come inside the full stop because that is where the quoted word is. One is not writing dialogue. If one were then yes, the DOUBLE quotation marks – “curly quotes and such as.” – would indeed encompass the full stop to indicate the end of the unit of speech recorded (unless one is some dreadful Oirish modernist or Franch in which case the holy em dash is used to indicate speech and provoke outbursts of sneering among the English) and therefore becomes part of the sentence, which construction does indeed call for the DOUBLE quotation marks to fall outside the full stop.

Carry on.

BTW. I know someone who breeds champion Marlborough Newfies. Last time I was there she’d had 27 puppies and 9 were left. All about 12 weeks old and the size of tractors.

@baked: Oooh, I will cheer for the Cane Corso.

The Aussie shepherd was ROBBED in the herding groups, I tell you!

@Benedick: The amount of hair, drool, and dog poop from 9 Newfies must be insane. Tell Mr. Benedick that you should get a pug-Beagle mix. They are ridiculously adorable and don’t have the breathing problems of regular pugs. Or get a mutt at the shelter…

@SanFranLefty: You tell him. I do not want a puppy. But he is fixated on the idea of a pug having had two in his time. I just managed to talk him out of an Aussie Shepherd pup a couple of weeks ago.

@SanFranLefty: Whit it. Whit it good.

Too bad Paul the Octopus is no longer around to offer his enlightened input on the proceedings.

pugs are WONDERFUL. aussie shepherds are ALL PSYCHOTIC.

do i smell a live blog tonight?

@SanFranLefty: The dogs have the entire basement floor of a pretty big house. She brings two or three of the adults upstairs at a time. I’ll post some pics if I can find them.

@baked: I like pugs. I like them even more when I don’t have to feed them or brush their teeth.

@baked: I’ll try to live blog – I may not make it home from work in time to liveblog – they show it live on the West Coast, and then rerun it during prime time. I can set up an open thread for when tonight’s activities start…

@Benedick: Congrats on your anniversary–that’s amazing!

@Benedick: @SanFranLefty:
i knew a newfie…revolting drooler. my widdle 92 pound, 10 month bulldozer thankfully does not drool like some of her cousin mastiff’s or some of the raving crazies that roam free in new york city.

ditto OA…a blessing on your head, mazel tov mazel tov. (he’ll get it)

you invoke the name COLIN FARRELL. i have the biggest crush on him.
and there lies my boy trouble.

@¡Andrew!: @baked: Thanks. It seems like only yesterday that we met at the Hotel Meurice.

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