No More Anal Pears for You!

“‘Once we’re 100 percent sure Joe Lieberman is retired, we will allow it to die,’ said [Connecticut for Lieberman Party] current chairman and very unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate, John Mertens. ‘We’ll meet again in 2010, and that will probably be our last meeting ever.'” [Hartford Advocate, via Tom Tomorrow]


Um. 2011? I have no idea what this means. But I harbor inappropriate feelings for noje so it doesn’t really matter. I merely think of feeding him apple sorbet from my fingers while I drench his mouth with Moët White Star while Memory plays in the background.

Who needs assless chaps?

@Benedick: Probably 2012, but that’s the quote as given.

@Benedick: Do you really want bitchy queen TommCatt to remind you that all chaps are assless?

@SanFranLefty: Here in god’s country chaps have asses. And also G4 network.

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