Finally, an Excuse to Run the Texting Video
This, apparently, is real:
The Governors Highway Safety Association says pedestrian deaths increased in the first half of 2010 and the First Lady’s program to get Americans to be more active could be partly responsible.
Governors Highway Safety Administration spokesman Jonathan Adkins told 630 WMAL that Michelle Obama is “trying to get us to walk to work and exercise a little bit more. While that’s good, it also increases our exposure to risk.”
Such as.
Michelle Obama’s ‘Get Moving’ Program Linked to Pedestrian Deaths [WMAL]
“That makes it seems like we’re blaming Michelle Obama’s program,” GHSA executive director Barbara Harsha told TPM. “That’s ridiculous.”
Barbara might want to tell Jonathan to lay off the radio interviews.
Safety Group Accidentally Touches Off Accusations That Michelle Obama Is Killing Pedestrians [TPM]
You know what else increases your exposure to risk? Being a moron.
Also, that stupid bitch in the video is suing the mall. God bless America.
@Mistress Cynica: She’s suing the mall? What for? Was she injured? Or did they negligently put a water feature where they should have known she’d be walking while paying no attention whatsoever?
Semi-related: a friend of mine on FB reported that he was too slow with his camera to catch it, but spotted a cop texting while driving. Do as I say, not as I do, indeed.
@IanJ: She’s suing them for uploading the video to YouTube. She claims a friend of hers recognized her from the way she walks. [Insert Python joke here.]
@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Whatever. There’s no reasonable expectation of privacy in a shopping mall.
@Mistress Cynica: @IanJ: @TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Not surprisingly, she’s a bit of a con artist.
Ask and ye shall receive. I hate people.
and on the same link, i enjoyed the morning host, from the hamlet of our fearless leader, blowing a turkey caller.
@baked: What? No station bug in the corner? That video must have come from the producers…
Oh, and Channel 6, apparently. CW. They’re still around?
i have a station bug, that’s how i knew. blame the apple.
Hey, who hasn’t fallen into a fountain? She recovered nicely, I thought.
and who among us has been on tv and not fellated a cylindrical object?
@Dodgerblue: I sauntered through a fountain (an outdoor one with big jets) once on a dare, and waded in one at my junior prom. It’s just water, after all.
fountains and water parks make me vomit. fraternizing with the germs of filthy strangers?
i’d rather flush my head in the toilet.
@Dodgerblue: That line didn’t work for Wilbur Mills, either…
@baked: Guess you’re not a big fan of hot tubs, where one can stew in one’s own filthy juices along with one’s friends and well-wishers.
@baked: BTW hunnie, you promised to tell me all of your Hell-LAy stories. I need all the dee-tales, like didn’t you assault John Lovitz in the parking lot of the Beverly Hills Hotel, or was that my fantastic dream?
@SanFranLefty: Wilbur Mills! They don’t make them like him any more. Not to mention Fannie Fox, the Tidal Basin Bombshell!
no, i’m ok with stewing in friend’s juices. i just like to know where my infections come from.
jon lovitz and i had a screaming match at valet parking in front of the beverly hills hotel. all true. didn’t make it to fisticuffs as we were restrained by parking attendants. a simple story really…the putz wouldn’t move his car so i could drive around him…more later, love.
the pooch is hungry…
@Dodgerblue: Argentine Firecracker. Get your ancient scandal references straight.
@Dodgerblue: Fanne, not Fannie. My link is worth cliquing through as it takes you to the 1974 WaPo article about the incident.
@baked: Hee hee hee.
Actually, using a gobbler call while turkey hunting is kind of dangerous because another hunter could take a chot at you. I use only hen calls, and made Rachel Maddow laugh with one.
@SanFranLefty: 13th St. NW is sure different now.
@nojo: The Firecracker and the Bombshell are the same mujer, if Wikipedia is to be believed.
@Dodgerblue: Ah. She changed her billing after the scandal. That’s cheating.
I find this entirely understandable since I once walked off the end of a jetty while reading. My mother watched me do it. In fact, I achieved a certain celebrity among my scottish relatives for my ability to fall in large bodies of water. Sometimes more than once a day.
Wasn’t Carmen Miranda the Argentine Firecracker?
I rode my bike and READ a book till I ran headfirst into the back end of a parked Cadillac on the way back from the library. My sister also was hurt, but not from hitting the car but rather from falling off her bike in hysterical laughter.
@ManchuCandidate: Hahahaha. Excellent.
Didn’t some kid fall into a manhole while she was texting?
I walked into a utility pole last year while commenting on Stinque. Whar’s mah munnies?
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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