Congressional Days Without Nazi References Reset to Zero
Tennessee Demrat Steve Cohen goes Godwin: “They say it’s a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels,” Cohen said. “You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it. Like blood libel. That’s the same kind of thing.” [ABC]
What’s really going to be annoying is the endless parade of “OMG both sides do it” that the MSM is going to trot out on this, nevermind the *slight* differences between the following statements:
“They want to give everybody health coverage, just like Hitler!”
“They keep telling the same giant lie over and over again until people believe it *must* be true, just like Hitler!”
Yes, it’s a little over-the-top; but I don’t want to hear the party that brought us “death panels” (and “Obamacare is getting rid of Jeebus”, etc etc etc) turning into shrinking violets when the shoe’s on the other foot.
Besides, there just aren’t that many other examples of large-scale manipulation to create a belief system completely opposed to reality; things typically get reined in waaaaaaaay before that (for example, if Colgate started running a “brushing with Colgate makes your dick bigger” campaign, it would face some opposition…) and – like it or not – the Nazis pretty much wrote the book on this sort of thing.
And in other news, Mike Lee thinks everything’s unconstitutional.
Today must have been a banner day for Chicago Bureau’s Psychometer.
I would not be just a nuffin’
My head all full of stuffin’
My heart all full of pain.
And perhaps I’d deserve ya
And be even worthy erve ya
If I only had a brain.
@al2o3cr: Next thing you know, he’ll be saying consensual sex between unmarried adults, or TV off-switches are unconstitutional. It’s all got to go! (Or at least become regulated by the states instead of the feds, in his weird la-la-land.)
@al2o3cr: I think we can all agree that Mike Lee is a fucking retard.
I’ll give Cohen points for actually using Goebbels in the correct context.
Note: GOPers… if you’re going to use Hitler analogies then make fucking sense otherwise you’re just lying… like Goebbels.
Fashion TJ: Stinque Stylistas, what do you all think of Shelly O’s dress for the State Dinner for Hu Jintao?
I’m not feeling the love – the off-kilter straps are bugging me. And the pattern is weird. I’m getting echos of that dress she wore on Election Night in Chicago. Like the earrings, though.
She and Barry aren’t towering over the Chinese president to the extent I feared they would.
@al2o3cr: He’s a bit like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland isn’t he?
@SanFranLefty: B.D. Wong: Still super-hot, after all these years.
Shelly looks like a parrot tulip in that dress.
@SanFranLefty: Makes her ass look a mile wide.
@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One:
No, Dr. Wong is
@Dodgerblue: That’s a more blunt way of saying what I said w/r/t the pattern. Similarly, she looked pregnant on Election Night.
@nojo: Mike Lee is the biggest fucking retard I know. I wish I could meet him so I could kick him to the gutter and piss on him.
@SanFranLefty: With her carriage, poise and hot body, it’s hard to make her look bad. But now and then . . . .
He’d probably enjoy it.
I’m sorry. Bradley Darryl is MINE!
@SanFranLefty: Hey, there’s a poll on HuffPo about the dress.
@Benedick: If Mike Lee was in a German scheisse video, he wouldn’t tell you.
@SanFranLefty: I like the fabric, for the most part. The bottom has more gold in it, and I prefer that over the black. If there were more of the golden tones near the top, I’d like it more. I like asymmetry in general, but her dress looks haphazard, like the left shoulder thing is a wardrobe malfunction.
OMG — this “department stores are ripping you off” ad is so god damn ugly it just about gave me a stroke when the page popped up.
Can ads be banned on aesthetic grounds?
Also, too, sadly, Michelle’s dress looks like an ill-fitting curtain. She looks so great in a solid sleek. Such a shame.
MOAR: The dress looks better in video than the still shots, but that shoulder thing still looks stupid.
Yo, Nojo, bust THIS.
This woman is an idiot who thinks she is a genius. Not one of those words means what she thinks it does.
@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One:
The sad part is that, for the school of (so-called) thought she’s from, she’s actually somewhat coherent. After all, she got through a whole post without bringing up the Illuminati and/or reptilian aliens. :)
@al2o3cr: Maybe there will be a follow-up.
@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: I donno, equating pantheism with universal love is pretty cool.
@Dodgerblue: @Dodgerblue: Hehehe. This is my favorite part:
In practical terms, this means that through the goetia (black magic) of Darwinian transformism “we the people” have been speculatively reduced to aggregates of matter, subsumed into the “one substance” and now have solidarity (oneness) with apes, rocks, trees, fish, tumblebugs, pond scum, and dirt. Individual salvation has become collective salvation, individual rights are now group rights, male-female created distinctions have been melted down into androgyny, and monogamous marriage has become a sexual free-for-all.
It’s all because of the goetia, you see…all that speculative reductionism and **POOF** all our individual rights have become collective ones! ORGY TIME!!!!!
@Tommmcatt is with Karin Marie on This One: Random Idiots take all the sport out of it. Especially Random Idiots who look like this.
OK maybe I’m being a bit sensitive, but seriously the white house gays need a good beating.
That dress just screams “Tribal Queen” to me. The orange with a black print? (Aside from having a print for state occasion) Lets just say why not put her in zebra skins and put a bone through her nose?
I could be horribly wrong though.
@nojo: It’s like she’s the love child of Ernest Borgnine and an albino goat.
@CheapBoy: You have to deal with the whole ‘African American’ thing here. Since we are in denial about our history we have to dramatize it to make believe it didn’t happen. Hence the acting out of race. This is the only country I know in which black citizens don’t speak like the rest of the population but instead have their own dialect. This partitionism is why we homos can’t have sensible civil unions with legal backing as they would be ‘separate but equal’ even though they make much more sense than the ridiculous struggle to get married by the pope that seems to be going on.
Speaking of acting out we’re still waiting for the pictures of you in the leather pants.
@Benedick: I might at this juncture point out that while black Englishman may speak like their white brethren, Englishmen of Pakistani desent certianly do not.
Just sayin’.
@SanFranLefty: Honestly, I’m less alarmed by the dress than by the first-a-mild-electric-shock-then-blow-it-out-upside-down-then-stick-out-the-car-window-going-down-the-freeway hair. The asymmetry looks sloppy and bugs me, but I kinda like the print. And full skirts never do her any favors, but I’ve seen her with much worse bubble butt. In short, I’m not aghast because I feel like she’s done much worse. Like when she met the Spanish royalty last summer–*that* was a wardrobe misstep worth wringing our hands over!
@CheapBoy: You too. ?
ADD: It’s not like she’s wearing kente cloth. Jeez.
@Benedick: Nope. No “partitionism” on Edgware Road…or in the suburbs of Paris…or in Western Germany, where all the Turks live…. no siree.
@Benedick: This is the only country I know in which black citizens don’t speak like the rest of the population…
…except white suburban teenagers.
@al2o3cr: Or Hitler.
Or did I not read far enough?
@CheapBoy: @Benedick: What the holy hayell are you two talking about?
@flippin eck: I hear that Paris is especially warm and welcoming to the Roma.
@SanFranLefty: I honestly have no idea.
I don’t really care for the dress either. I feel like Shelly O doesn’t do well with those highly sculptural, asymmetrical looks. I feel like she needs something more structural and fitted to accent her shape where she has it – the loose skirt on this one just makes her look a bit wider, which in reality she has an amazing figure.
@homofascist, re your point on fitted/structural clothes, and Dodgerblue, the closet Project Runway viewer and admirer of Ms. Obama:
Shelly looks hawt here and here (despite the unfortunate tightness at the armpit) and of course in her official portrait.
ADD: And there’s this. Va-fucking-voom.
@flippin eck: The hair? Oy vey, that was crazy. She looks awesome with an updo (If I had those shoulders, that neck, that jawline I’d be wearing my hair up every day), but what the fuck happened there? I could hear my grandmother’s voice rising from the grave, screeching, “Did you brush your hair with an EGG BEATER?!?!”
@homofascist: Our Founder. We’d still be wandering in the desert if it weren’t for Nojo, however.
tj/Greetings from Grants, New Mexico. On my way to the Navajo Nation to be the Guy in the Tie for my clients in a meeting with the federales tomorrow.
@SanFranLefty: Mrs RML loved the dress.
@SanFranLefty: I mean, the dress she wore for the Indian State Dinner was STUNNING It is structured and straight and makes her look incredibly tall (with a little added height from the hair) and thin, perfect understated jewelry, the fact she resisted a necklace and just let that upper torso steal the show. To me the messy updo really works with this dress – shows off the earrings, and gives the subtle suggestion that maybe she and her old man were fooling around right beforehand. This to me is still the definitive Shelly O.
@homofascist: Oh gawd, that dress is the awesome. Amen on the no necklace/show the shoulders and chest. And the hair works more in the India dinner. And given Unicorn is gazing at her with a look on his face like a cat who swallowed a canary, it’s probably not that subtle of a suggestion that there was a little something-something happening as the dress was being put on.
P.S. I love this fashion blog you found, BTW. Never heard of it before.
@SanFranLefty: I meant to mention the blog – I had never seen it either. We Shall Overcome…In Couture! Brilliant.
@homofascist: While we’re speaking of the African-American fashionistas, and although I’m no fan of Condi Rice, I’ve got to admit that it’s not just Princess Sparkle Pony who is obsessed with Ms. Rice, and I respect her for her fashion ambition. Plus she cheers for The Tree, so you gotta give her a grudging point or two.
All that to lead up to the point that while I’m not going to rush to defend her,
To wit,
Piers Morgan asking Condi if she “dreams of a fairytale wedding” and these gems:
“Did you hold out hope [of being married]?”
“I can’t imagine you being a subservient wife,”
“If you were cooking me a meal, what would you cook?”
“Are you romantic?”
“If I was going to woo you, how would I do that?”
Oh hayell to the holy fuck no. If HomoFascist doesn’t get to it first, (Hint: @homofascist: don’t be afraid to exercise your posting powers, sugar), there may be a more extensive Stinque Department of LadyBits post by yours truly on this clusterfuck.
To Condi’s credit, she handled this blathering dip-Britshit with great aplomb. She just got more points in my book.
@redmanlaw: HF gets all the credit. He was the Prime Domino.
@SanFranLefty: Oh thank you for posting these.
@SanFranLefty: If I weren’t so
lazy, I’d find that photo pf her reviewing troops somewhere, wearing high leather boots and a long coat. That caused several impure thoughts to enter my mind, beginning with whether she would enjoy being spanked.
@homofascist: It took 40 people three weeks to make that dress.
@SanFranLefty: State gowns are difficult to pull off. I think that looks very original and kind of grand. I suspect it moves beautifully.
What I meant by dialect is that many black Americans speak in a manner that has to do with race not place. It’s called Black Vernacular English and has its own syntax and vocabulary. Not to be confused with ‘street talk’ by the way, which is a different thing. BVE has a long and noble history though it dramatizes somewhat painfully the racial separation we’ve had to endure. Of course I’m making wild generalizations but in the UK, for example, black citizens of either African or West Indian descent, as well as South Asians, speak like the locals. They have regional British accents and not racial accents, as it were. That’s not true in this country. Have we forgotten that Obama was criticized during the election for not sounding black enough? To outside eyes this is a very striking manifestation of the history of our own particular racial strife. Understand that I’m not criticizing, merely remarking.
Who the hell is Piers Morgan? By the way, do you all hear the Upper Middle aspects of that name? I suspect he’s got a brother somewhere named Rupert.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: The Long View: 1972: Nixon 61% 1984: Reagan 59% 2004: Bush 51% 2024: Trump 50%…
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread Power is power, but… About 11 million votes remain to be counted. Nate Silver (I know, I know)…
JNOV • The Values We Profess Yeah. So. When my kid came back from basically getting frog-marched from a store downtown (the…
JNOV • The Values We Profess @nojo: We love you! I was thinking, even though we don't truly celebrate x-mas, some people in…
NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!