West 30th Street, Manhattan, 3 pm

This snowstorm is different, somehow – this is W 30th Street this afternoon and a buried cop car:

At 6:30 this evening I was amazed to see that 7th Avenue had yet to be plowed. The response is not so Bloomberg this time.

And this is the track for the 2/3 train this morning, about 8:30 – it snowed so hard that the snow forced its way down through the street grating and settled on the tracks. I’ve been getting on at this stop for 10 years, more or less, and I’ve never seen snow get this deep into the subway.


Gahd, that looks miserable. Almost as bad as rain in Sandy Eggo.

Oh boo hoo. Up here in God’s country the town trucks were plowing by 4 and our driveway plow guy had plowed the drive by 6. Because we don’t rely on Big Government hand outs. All you not-Americans who can’t get your Toyotas out of the drifts? Well too bad. Next time vote Exxon Drill AMFAR.

They’re softening up the population. Cut basic services until people start bitching, then institute regressive taxes and/or fees to re-fund them. It’s a win-win for Bloomberg!

Did you see this video of sanitation workers destroying a car?

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Best part — everybody yelling at them. That’s how we roll back east.

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