NewsBeast? BeastWeek? The Marriage of Hell and Hell?

“Some weddings take longer to plan than others. The union of The Daily Beast and Newsweek magazine finally took place with a coffee-mug toast between all parties Tuesday evening, in a conference room atop Beast headquarters, the IAC building on Manhattan’s West 18th Street.” [Daily Beast]


I’ve already notified Arthur Sulzberger that, when the price of the New York Times (the corporation) drops to $10.00, I’m buying the operation and turning it into my personal blog.

@Serolf Divad: Shhhhh!!! I’m in Top Secret discussions for the NYT to buy us out, for only half of Nate’s price!

Advantage: Copy-editing.

Disadvantage: Everybody wears ties.

@nojo: Not me. I don’t wear no stinkin’ ties, except to court, and then they are Garcia ties.

@Dodgerblue: The last time I wore a tie was for a friend’s wedding. Might have been 1995.

I may have worn a tie a dozen times in my life. And I’m doubling the estimate to be generous.

@nojo: Except when Rachel Maddow vetoes them.

I wore a lot of ties in high school, I think in semi-conscious rejection of the fashions of the time. They were mostly skinny and worn with dress shirts and thrift-store waistcoats.

@nojo: I knew a lawyer who only had one tie. It was bland on the side that the judge could see. On the inside, there appeared a woman with her legs spread.

@nojo: @Dodgerblue: @IanJ: I can get bulk discount over here on these. No, not the windows, although those are beautiful.

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