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“Just about a year to the day that he left CNN, Lou Dobbs is returning to cable news, this time as host of his own show on News Corp.’s Fox Business Network… Dobbs will instantly become one of the biggest names on Fox Business.” [LAT]


Jesus Christ on an Ak-Mak cracker, James Carville looks more like Skeletor every time I stumble upon Cee Enn Enn.

That said, Anderson Cooper is looking deliciously sexy hawt as always.

@SanFranLefty: Last week, you lamented Iowa’s ouster of three state Supreme Court justices who supported marriage equality, well I’m pleasantly surprised to report that Washington is kicking one of our right-wing, teabagging (In)Justices to the curb (in part) for not supporting marriage equality. He was a classic faux-libertarian, whose “libertarian” views ended whenever the rights of anyone he didn’t approve of were at stake, like gays, the wimmins, African Americans, etc. He was also an in-your-face dickhead (que sorpresa), who seriously won’t be missed. He signed one of the most anti-gay legal rulings in this country’s history, and today he woke up with the head of My Pretty Pony in his bed.

So Lou Dobbs has wound up with his peers. Imagine how ghastly any normal human would find it having to be in company day after day with all those heartless, hateful dimwits.

Oh, no. I fear he will give a rightward tilt to the network.

The most shocking thing about this announcement is that it means that Lou *didn’t* go straight from hatemongering on CNN to Fox Noize. I assumed that he’d been over there the whole year already, but just drowned out by the über-crazee…

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