Pat Sajak’s an Asshole? Who Knew?

“So should state workers be able to vote in state elections on matters that would benefit them directly? The same question goes for federal workers in federal elections. I’m not suggesting that public employees should be denied the right to vote, but that there are certain cases in which their stake in the matter may be too great.” [NRO]


“It is better to be thought a fool (Vanna) than to open your mouth and remove all doubt (Pat)”

Which I suddenly realized that it could apply to me…

I’m not suggesting Pat should be assfucked to death with a rusty spike, but there are times where it seems appealing.

“I’m not suggesting that Halliburton stockholders should be denied the right to vote, but that there are certain cases in which their stake in the matter may be too great.”

Hmmm… Pat might be on to something.

On a related note, I’m too lazy to dig up the article (Sully linked to it yesterday), but apparently members of Congress (and their staff, maybe?) are exempt from insider trading laws?

@mellbell: I briefly glimpsed it yesterday; filed under Congress Always Exempts Congress from Following Laws.

@nojo: Yeah, it’s dog-bites-man, but still.

Pat Sajak is a well known asshole on the Board of Directors of Eagle Publishing, parent company of Regnery Press ; publishers of Michele Malkin, Dinesh D’Souza, Ann Coulter, Erick Erickson, et al.

@texrednface: Also, as I’ve quickly learned today, he’s on the board of the Not-Claremont Colleges outfit where Christine O’Donnell claims a degree or certificate or something. Small world!

@texrednface: @nojo: Well fuck me with a meat hook. I had no idea. I thought he was a pleasant, mildly talented man who span a big disk. I had no idea he was a world-class ass hole.

@Benedick: “Mildly Talented”?
The Wheel comes on after the local news and upon a few occasions I have left the TV on.
I have more than once heard Pat making asides about Obama during banter time with Vanna.

@texrednface: I never heard that.

But honestly. First Insane Clown Posse and now Pat Sajak. I can’t keep up with who’s a asshole any more. There aren’t enough hours in the day.

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