Coming This Fall to ESPN2

[Plum Line]

Gotta watch out for that hippie punch – especially the electric kind

Axelrod was gonna punch that hippie, so I grabbed him and told Axelrod, “Dude, you have no hippie.”

@Dodgerblue: Oooh, now I want to punch a yuppie. Yuppies. Ooh, they suck.

And before you say anything, I am a Guppy, thank you very much.

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media: I’m glad you’re still young enough to be upwardly mobile. If you get my drift.

Just saw a segment on Colbert on immigrant farm labor that was shot just down the road from here at Gill Farms. What they failed to mention is that those corn fields are actually a brownfields site and a local very hotspot for cancer. They tried to carve em up and sell them off as building lots a few years back and the remediation was fantastically costly. Involved digging down several feet for 11 acres or so and carting all the topsoil away.

In more important news, the CEO of Google was on and he was wearing brown shoes with BLACK socks. I didn’t know where to put my face.

@Tony Blair Witch Project: This is why my wife checks my outfit in the morning. Black, brown, they are just colors, right?

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media:

I am at your service to accommodate your punching needs. Just, please spare the nads.

Did all this talk about hippies provoke the not-MSNBC ad for Candidate Roach? Is his You Tube ad a Roach Clip?

@Tommmcatt Thinks Masturbation Can Also Involve The Mainstream Media: These days I want to punch everybody. It’s probably best I stop going out in public until this can be resolved.

@Tony Blair Witch Project: Now I feel really self conscious. In my past and current extended travels, I packed six pairs of the exact same black socks. No blue, no beige, no ribs or what have you. But I also brought a pair of brown shoes – because my default was to wear the exact same pair of shoes every working day that I couldn’t otherwise dress down.

I doubt, however, that anyone will really care. In my side of the Building, most of the guys rarely even wear ties, unless the Ambo is coming around.

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