Sarah Palin Wins An Honest Victory

Some time back, we thought we’d be clever and create a “target” map of Sarah Palin endorsements, and then we realized we’re not paid for this gig, so we let somebody else take care of it. WaPo, we think.

Part of the problem is Palin’s strategery, filing some late sure-thing endorsements to up her stats. But this one, on home turf, was by no means certain, and she gets full credit:

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is battling for her political life this morning against Republican primary challenger Joe Miller, the tea party-backed candidate who has a slim lead as ballots continue to be counted.

Miller, a Fairbanks attorney, led from when the first returns came in Tuesday night and was on the verge of pulling off one of the biggest election upsets ever in Alaska.

With 429 of 438 precincts counted this morning,, Miller had 45,909 votes (51 percent) to 43,949 (49 percent) for Murkowski.

Miller credited the support of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his lead.

“I’m absolutely certain that was pivotal,” he said.

Considering that Talibunny is not exactly beloved in Alaska these days, and that occasional polls showed Murkowski with a commanding lead, this is an honest upset.

Then again, it’s Alaska. Not exactly a national bellwether.

Miller on verge of toppling Murkowski [Anchorage Daily News]

Lisa Murkowski was appointed U.S. Senator by her own damned father when he was elected governor and gave up the senate seat he occupied at the time. It was a bit like Kim Il Sung appointing Kim Jong Il to succeed him as ruler of North Korea. Seeing her toppled is sweet, therefore, even if it does mean a victory for the Talibunny.

@Serolf Divad: I forget the exact stat, but somebody recently calculated that a third of all senators since direct election began as appointments.

I was hoping that Psychogeezer would go down in flames, but I’ll have to settle for seeing him humiliated some other way, like every time he opens his mouth, or whenever his dumbass high school intern ghost-tweets.

still it was about pique not policy. she hates the Murkowskis.

TPM says that this is good for the Dem candidate and the Dem’s chances just went up significantly. I don’t see a Dem winning that seat, but who knows, if Miller is whackadoodle enough maybe even Alaskans won’t vote for him in the general election.

I think they went from zero to small according to my local relatives

Breaking: Rumors floating that former RNC chair Ken Mehlman will be coming out in a Marc Ambinder column Friday or next week.

Mehlman has already signed a “fundraising letter supporting marriage equality.”

maybe there is hope for the world.

@Capt Howdy: Of course, the folks breaking the rumor are giving him a “Roy Cohn Award.” They don’t easily forgive.

well cohn died without redeeming himself. maybe ken is taking a lesson.

@nojo: He was in? I thought this was common knowledge. Who’s next? Lindsey? McConnell? Bush?

McConnel is not a closet homosexual he is a closet human/turtle hybrid.

@Capt Howdy: No Pulitzer-winning inspired-by dramas for you, Ken!

@Benedick: Right, where else would the neofascist wingers get the idea to call their new club The Teabaggers?

anyone live in providence?

He looks a bit like Chris Farley, he sounds a bit like Jack Black, but the magic is all his own, my friends. This is a different breed of eccentric from what we’re used to: Alvin Greene and Basil Marceaux were lovably incoherent, but this guy clearly has a game plan. Man, does he ever.


@Capt Howdy:

I prefer Joe My God’s subtle headline:

Repulsive Anti-Gay Quisling Homophobic Scumbag Asshat Closeted Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Is About To Come Out

@¡Andrew!: And just let anyone try to tell you we don’t celebrate diversity in this country.

By the way, am I permitted to feel discomfort with the WeHo dude in the Blackberry (Amex?) commercial?

@nojo: Mehlman should have his tiny balls chopped off and fed to feral dogs who parade them down the street like a hunting trophy, and if that’s not Chainsaw enough for you, then once he’s done with his date with Lassie, might I suggest his next stop should be a meet and greet with Mary Cheney, Larry Craig, Bitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and every other closeted right-wing POS, on some abandoned rock in the middle of the Pacific that’s immediately nuked to smithereens.

And now that his scoop is blown, Ambinder makes it official.

Release the feral dogs!

@mellbell: Yeah, him. I guess I should applaud a major marketer featuring him on American television — as just one voice among many, without backslapping themselves — but that doesn’t stop my teeth from grating.

@nojo: I think it’s pretty cool, in a “this is what 21st Century America looks like” kind of way.

@nojo: Actually, if anything annoys me about those ads, it’s that the barber’s cut (shave?) isn’t very good.

@mellbell: That’s certainly the implicit point — Inked Car Dude is in the same commercial, after all. And the discomfort’s all on me. I just have issues with affectation, whatever form it takes.

The Onion knocks one outta the park again:

Smart, Qualified People Behind the Scenes Keeping America Safe: ‘We Don’t Exist’

WASHINGTON—Members of the brilliant, highly trained, and dedicated team of elite professionals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect our nation and keep its citizens out of harm’s way announced Tuesday that they do not exist.

“I know most Americans like to believe there are selfless, ultra-intelligent operatives like me out there watching over everything from an underground control room,” said the Rhodes Scholar Navy SEAL national security official who for the past 10 years we have all mistakenly presumed to be an actual human being. “Unfortunately, though, I’m not employed by the U.S. government, I’m not working at all hours to foil terrorist plots, nor am I part of some secret network of sharp, capable agents, because no such network exists.”

“And again, neither do I,” the imaginary man added.

@Capt Howdy: He has a long way to go to live up to the legend of Buddy Cianci. But that’s a good start.

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