A Coupla White Fearmongers Sitting Around Talking

“Evangelical Christian minister Tim LaHaye says that the policy initiatives put forth by the Obama administration are bringing the country ‘closer to the apocalypse.’ LaHaye issued the dire warning in an appearance this week on Mike Huckabee’s talk show on Fox News.” [HuffPo]


I thought LaHaye (“writer” of the execrable Left Behind series of “books”) would be happy that Barry’s one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse considering his fascination with ending the world and killing people.


Indeed – WTF is he worried about? Is he having doubts that Jeebus will Rapture his ass up before the SHTF?

But that’s a good thing, right?

Assuming those fuckheads make it to Heaven (which is a long shot, as we all know), they’ll be bitching about the taxes necessary to keep the streets paved in gold.

They are some of the funniest ‘books’ ever writed.

He can’t take it all with him. Nope, no solid gold Rolls in Heaven–not that he’s going anywhere.

BREAKING: Sherrod is suing Breitbart for defamation. Open and shut. She should be able to rip his fucking arms off.

@FlyingChainSaw: Now Sherrod’s a legal cause that I would give to, though I imagine she’s got pro bono help out the wazoo.

@SanFranLefty: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I am shocked ACORN didn’t have their pick. It was also open and shut. Tape was edited to create a completely false representation and discredit an enterprise.

@FlyingChainSaw: @SanFranLefty: Yeah, lawyers were lining up for her. Expect to see RW spam for the Breitbart Defense Fund by bedtime.

@Mistress Cynica: Piece of shit. I hope she takes his fucking house and turns it into a Black History museum. And takes part of the settlement to hire a guy with a car and a bullhorn to follow around the homeless Brietbart and shout at him 24/7, asking when he is going to do the world a favor and get fucking cancer.

@FlyingChainSaw: But does she qualify as a public figure? That speech was from an NAACP event.

Then again, Breitbart’s “reckless disregard” seems prima facie.

@nojo: Not when she made that speech that Brietbart used as a his video base, number one, and two, you aren’t allowed to make shit up whole cloth, even about a public figure. The senator is a slimy fuckwit whose entire life can be described as a career of evil is OK. The senator is an arsonist is not OK. And, most certainly, is it is really not valid to call a field bureaucrat a ‘public figure’. Sullivan had some language about involuntary public figures who are cast into controversy but I don’t think that would include a controversy animated by the malevolent fabulist.

@nojo: If every mid-level federal bureaucrat and/or person who gives a presentation in an overheated conference room at a Marriott is a public figure, then the universe of public figures just exploded.

@nojo: And what is the NAACP event? Like a Polish Falcons of America meeting, hardly a venue that qualifies one speaking there as a public figure in the meaning of Sullivan.

I just got back from a drive through downtown Phoenix. It appears that PPD assigned all the hot cops to guard the area around the court houses. Yum.

At the capitol, there are a couple hundred protesters and nearly as many satellite trucks.

@SanFranLefty: @FlyingChainSaw: She also is (or was) a government official. I don’t keep up with libel law, but I don’t know that it’s a slam dunk.

@nojo: There aren’t many slam dunks in libel law. However, this is a pretty good set of facts for actual malice. With that, I don’t think she’ll need to sweat the public figure doctrine.

As a fairly low level federal employee who, on occasion, is forced to put my head above the parapet, I wonder about how far the Courts will go on the public figure thing. Most of the evil things said about me have been in briefs or testimony – not good libel material. But some of my compadres have been pretty viciously attacked in various fora, and libel/slander retaliation gets bandied about now and then.

@ManchuCandidate: Can we designate LaHaye one of the Four Horse’s Asses of the Apocalypse?

@FlyingChainSaw: Look at the timestamp of our comments on public figures. We said the same thing at the exact same time. Ergo, jinx.

@Walking Still: If you’re not a political appointee, I don’t see how you’re a public figure (unless you’re Madonna and you’ve decided to get a masters in urban planning and work for HUD as a policy analyst). And even a lot of those lower-level political appointees, not so much. For example, look at the DOJ litigation against Arizona. Tony West, head of the DOJ unit, and the AUSA – I would concede they’re public officials. But the staff attorneys 8 years out of law school who wrote the briefs and whose names are the fifth and sixth listed? I don’t think they’re public figures. I think of Sherrod as being like them.

Threadjack-request for advice: Its now only 48 hours or so till I am off to France, and I have impulsively decided to suddenly change the itinerary. I have told that the plans involved Paris, to Beaune, back to Paris, then to Normandy, then back to Paris for the flight home.

I have decided thats too busy. I must explain, this is, first and foremost, a business trip, I am tagging along as Mrs. Prom attends a board meeting, which is split between Paris and Beaune, I carry her briefcase and charm the executives and board members at the dinners each night after the four days of meetings. Its really not that fun, I get to be in Paris and Beaune, and eat incredible meals and drink fine wines, but all the time, on stage, and having to pretend to be a sane, rational, normal person, which puts a strain on me. The last 3 days, we are free, and that was when we had thought to go to Normandy, the home of her ex-ceo, who was always going on about it and begging us to visit him at his home there. But we have only three days, so that means, two days are travel days, and seeing Normandy, its a place you want to travel about and see things that are not close together, and I decided, we decided, this is way too hectic a schedule.

So, we are just going to stay in Paris for 3 days.

So here is where I am putting out an invitation for any advice any of you stinquers who have been to Paris, any tips? I do intend this time, to go to the Moulin Rouge and see a traditional parisian titty show, thats a must do. Beyond that, anyone know any secret inside knowledge? FCS, you know everything about everywhere, and don’t tell me to go to the Bois du Boulogne for a knee-knocker, any tips? I have been to Paris 3 times before, I have done the tourist things, the Louvre, Eifel Tower, etc., now, I need to find a special restaurant, an off-the-beaten-path treasure. You guys are the mnost worldly, sophisticated, and knowledgeable people I know in my life, I am hoping for some tips.

@Walking Still: Things said, printed, in court proceedings are “absolutely priviliged,” you can never win a suit on the basis of something said in court.

It is only in the things said outside court, in the press, signs, public statements, that you can even begin to think about a libel-slander suit, and then, whether you are a public figure becomes an issue.

The mere fact you are a government employee is not, in and of itself, enough to make you a public figure, but some public employees, who are in high positions, and frequently appear in public making public statements, will be considered public figures, and to some extent, the issue will depend on whether the libelous statements are connected to the public work and statements of the official. But if you are a public employee who is not in the public eye, and the libelous statements are not connected to any public statements or functions you have made in your official capacity, you will not be considered a public figure.

Thats clear as mud, isn’t it?

1) The Louvre – must see
2) The most fun I had in Paris was to just walk around the city.
3) I recommend any little local cafes in and around the tourist areas (the food quality is generally excellent)
4) A few French Words are helpful (properly pronounced the better.)
5) Avoid Andouillette (sausage), it is an acquired taste and smell not recommended unless you are adventurous
6) The Paris Metro is your friend. It is a marvel to be travelled. L’Opera Station is the main junction with 7 major lines going through it.
7) Walking shoes are a must
8) Avoid French beer (bleah.)
9) Many but not all French restaurants do serve wine with dinner it is a “lower” grade wine (Vin de pays or Pinard), if you want better quality bottled wine that is extra
10) Gratuity is usually part of the bill (15%)
11) Well done meat in France is the equivalent of Medium Rare at best (I kid you not)
12) Fastest way up the Eiffel Tower is to take the stairs (the line to get up via elevator was a 2-3 hour wait when I was there.)
13) French meal habits are different than North American ones. Petit Dejunier (breakfast) is usually a “continental” style 9-10am ish. Lunch (Dejunier) is more substantial than breakfast but not as heavy as NA lunch 1pm ish. Dinner is the main meal, but usually around 8-9pm.
14) Paris is hot this time of year. French hygiene sometimes an issue, but it’s no different than being in a gym locker room.

@Promnight: Go to Notre Dame. And walk and pretend you live there. I’ve been through a few times for conferences, etc. but the most memorable trip was when the conference cashed out on a Tuesday in February. I was staying in Notre Dame and just went out on foot every night for three days in February taking in along the way some of the local history and a lot of the venues that locals take for granted. I have no idea what I missed but I cherish the cold late night walks back to my hotel in that part of Paris. If you can find a cozy hotel at the frontier of the 4th and 5th Arrondissements, you should be able to enjoy a lot of what the city has to offer on foot like the locals.

Shit. I forgot about Notre Dame!

Lots of nice places to eat and not as touristy at night.

@Promnight: Ask Miss Expatria/Rome Girl, seeing as how she’s now in charge of four or five websites on travel to France and Italy.

romegirl@www.stinque.com is one of her many email addresses.

@Promnight: Have you been to Sainte-Chapelle? I was churched out the day we were there and planned to sit and wait while my friend went inside. But 5 minutes later he was back, telling me to pay the money and get my ass in there. And I’m indebted to this friend, because it’s one of the the most exquisite and breathtaking churches I have ever seen. Just go.

Also, if you’ve already been three times you’ve probably already done this, but get some wine and go sit on the steps of Sacre Coeur and watch the sun set over the city.

@ManchuCandidate: It is a decent and mixed neighborhood that can anchor a stay in the city. Going home by foot after a few nights, gives you some sense of familiarity and sense of the experience of the locals. I am a very bad traveler and by nature a much better relocator.

@FlyingChainSaw: TJ/ So what’s the deal? You don’t have a thing for Gingers? How did that rumor start? I’ve got plenty of pictures of more ugly food, but I just haven’t had time to write them up. We hit Helen Mirren (we’ll you didn’t hit that, but you can dream), Chaka Kahn, so lemme know who else tickles your fancy, and we’ll get you her up.

I’m still planning on doing the ears thing with a shout out to Lefty and all the menz who didn’t realize that ears are indeed sexy. Real life is just getting in the way.

Not sure what spin/pun to put on/use for the Stir-Fried Pork, Green Beans, and Red Bell Pepper with Gingery Oyster Sauce. Maybe a shoutout to Mr. Catt and our shared love of things Asian.

I have no idea why we yell this now (I blame Catt) but

NOW GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOES. Or pictures of your feet… ;-)

@ManchuCandidate: @FlyingChainSaw: @SanFranLefty: @flippin eck:

Thanks for all the suggestions, many I have done, many, I have not. But always, I have been one to walk and take the metro, walk to dinner, and home after dinner, my best memory was, walking from the restaurant and passing the Deux Magots, magoo, what the fuck was the name, where debouvior and sartre hung out, and I had a brandy there, at midnight, on the sidewalk, on a freezing night, in the middle of a long walk back to the hotel.

I have always stayed on the left bank, and I have walked all through there, the Isle de Cite, Notre Dame, and over around the Louvre, to the Opera, the Place de la Concorde, and the big department store area, basically all the areas developed by hausmann. but I have never explored Montmartre, and thats what I think I want to get to this time. Any restaurants, anyone?


having to pretend to be a sane, rational, normal person, which puts a strain on me

I love that you wrote that–it’s how I feel everyday. Maybe the world is crazy, which seems far more likely.

@Promnight: I adore the smaller museums–the Carnavalet, where you can see Proust’s bedroom, the Rodin, with the incredible sculptures and gardens, the Cluny (Musee de la Moyen Age). I heartily second flippin’s rec for Ste Chapelle–I went to a concert there one evening and it was magical. As for restaurants: the biggest problem you’re going to have is August closures for vacances, especially for the smaller bistros. When you’re in the Marais, go to L’As du Falafel for amazing middle eastern food. There are a number of good restaurants around Rue de Buci (which has a great street market), Rue Napoleon, Rue Jacob, and Rue St. Benoit in the 6th. Fish La Boissonerie has great seafood, good wines from small family vineyards, and anglophone owners. Les Editeurs is especially good for breakfast if you want more than a croissant–they do lovely omelets. Can’t remember the street, but not far off the Boulevard St Germain. Bon voyage!

ADD: And of course Berthillon on Ile St Louis for ice cream.

All I can tell you is about various small trout streams and back roads around Arizona, New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Ain’t never been nowhere.

@redmanlaw: Oh, that’s somewhere alright. :-) Beautiful country this.

are you flying air france? they have no sense of humor…i’m on their no fly list. do NOT throw pretzels at sleeping passengers is my only advice.

go figure…the rat has shlepped me to every continent, and yet YOU have the life he fantasizes about. he wants to know and hang out with you. you, above all stinquers. thinks you’re his kinda guy…did you see the tail he’s growing? YOUR doing.


You are probably both right. While I may not be a public figure, the lies said about me in pleadings and on the witness stand are almost certainly absolutely privileged. Considering the source, I was secretly flattered that they thought I was worth abusing.

I worry more about my nonlawyer colleagues – particularly those who get into the trenches in places like the Central Valley or Arizona (or as we call it “The Zone”). Some of those folks get everything from Congressional abuse to vile letters in the local rags to scary phone messages. Occasionally, it’s a pissed off person who shows up at the office and won’t leave.

It doesn’t happen all that often, but it’s part of the fun of being a public servant (or, as earlier noted by SFL, working for certain nonprofits).

@SanFranLefty: Tony West, head of the DOJ unit, and the AUSA – I would concede they’re public officials.
I like this. It means I can be a little more cavalier in talking shit about the latter douchetard.

@Promnight: The only restaurant I know about in the Montmartre area is next door to the Hotel Carlton in Pigalle. I can’t remember the name of it though. Quite old fashioned and fancy, so it wasn’t entirely my thing. I’m more of a down home simple family restaurant girl and my favorites were on the Ile de la Cite and Ile St Louis. I third the suggestion to see Ste Chappelle. Also the Musee du Moyen Age. Unless it’s really hot. There’s only one room that is air conditioned. My absolute don’t miss is the Musee Rodin and the gardens. Love, love, love it.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Concur most emphatically on Musee Rodin. Fabulous sculpture (including some by Camille Claudel) in a setting where it can truly be appreciated – a rarity in art.

I also recommend the Picasso Museum – a fascinating overview of his career, particularly less well known later works.

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