Comic Sans for Images

Kottke refers us to the Awkward Stock Photos blog, which makes us regret that we haven’t saved for retirement so we can slip one in on our next project.

As a tonic, Kottke also refers us to new Mad Men posters, which merely make us insanely jealous.


@Benedick: Listed in the blogroll under Indulgences.

@nojo: Ah. Simple-minded chap who seems to believe everything he reads.

@Benedick: And who’s a good source for Mild Amusements on slow news days.

We have a host a terrible stock images in our company’s collection, and three of the designers had the double-plus good idea to pick their favorite gawdawful choice and recreate it as their Halloween costume. It was hi-larious.

BP says they plugged the hole

@nojo: You’re a patient man and I thank you for it.

@Capt Howdy: Do they know yet? I thought it would take 48 hrs.

@Capt Howdy: Yes, we wait. A week. Maybe two. The challenge isn’t capping the well, it’s capping the well without blowing the shit out of the line below.

They’ve now dramatically increased the tension “downhole” (love that term), so there’s a risk of the entire seabed breaking out in geysers.


you have gotten so negative!

I have a 2nd cousin who is now working on the relief well. He worked for BP on the North Seat fields. He says it’s hot out there.

@Capt Howdy: Gotten? Jump into the Wayback Machine for 1975 and check with NojoMom.

@Capt Howdy: I *knew* that as soon as Dodger got down to NOLA he’d fix the leaky well!!

@nojo: Love those ads. But they need to do one featuring the Healthy and Beautiful Ginger Cristina Hendricks.

@SanFranLefty: True. A brooch or the tail of a scarf set against a really bold color (can you tell I’ve been reading T-Lo’s Mad Style posts?) would’ve been brilliant.

@SanFranLefty: @mellbell: One would hope that they are building up towards that, yes.

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