Looks Like He Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Keeping His Mouth Shut
If, like us, you’re just waking up to this story, apparently General Stanley McChrystal gossiped about Barry, Plugz, and our ambassador to Afghanistan to Rolling Stone, and now he’s being invited to the White House to deposit $20 billion into a slush fund be reminded about who’s in charge.
Note to Teabaggers: “Tyranny” is when you let the generals get away with it.
The Runaway General [Rolling Stone]
Obama leaving options open on firing McChrystal, Gibbs says [WaPo]
Obama should call a press conference
Have Rahm hold McChrystal down
While Obama takes a shit on his face
And Biden empties a magazine into him in successive gut shots
Then invite the press to join them in a Ballatine moment on the former general’s face
This is what is most disturbing:
“It was a 10-minute photo op,” says an adviser to McChrystal. “Obama clearly didn’t know anything about him, who he was. Here’s the guy who’s going to run his fucking war, but he didn’t seem very engaged. The Boss was pretty disappointed.”
The most important thing about the meeting was that the general should be satisfied that Obama has read his biography and was familiar enough with it to be satisfied that he was being worshiped sufficiently.
Better yet, tear his arms off and beat him to the death with the wet ends.
They ridiculed Harry, too, called him “the haberdasher,” which, now that I think of it, probably had some homersekshel connotations, back in the day. Thought he was a weak little dude, in over his head.
Turns out Harry was more right than Gen. MacArthur was. Nuking Manchuria would have made things way worse for everyone involved.
You don’t rise to that rank in the military without having political savvy. There are certain advantages to choreographing your own firing. You’re not there if and when things fall apart (and you can claim some credit if they work out in the end). You get your retirement pension and a paid gig as a Fauxnews analyst.
@Prommie: He was also a captain in the artillery in The Big One. Dude could drop some metal on the Hun.
@Jesuswalksinidaho: Haven’t had time to go through the RS article yet, but I’ve read suggestions that The General considered himself above politics.
So, to address your point: How do you rise to that rank without having political savvy? It helps if Cheney backs you.
So covering up Pat Tillman’s murder, causing the deaths of countless thousands of civilians, not to mention supporting torture and rendition–all A-OK.
Making some unfunny, lame snark about Joe Biden’s name that wouldn’t survive a commenter audition? Unforgivable grounds for immediate termination.
Glad they cleared that up.
It’s hard to be above politics when you’re the commander of a multinational force trying to do nation building in a country that’s divided along tribal lines–and the domestic support for the war among the members of your multinational force is, at best, shaky.
@Jesuswalksinidaho: Word.
@redmanlaw: Drop it like it’s hot.
@Original Andrew: Again with the sobering snarkmopey!
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
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JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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