Common-Sense Racism
Tim James, Republican candidate for governor: “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here — learn it.”
[Newsweek, via RomeGirl]
I guess Tim James can’t take the heat. Comments are disabled for this video over at Youtube.
Alabamanese is barely even English to start with.
this really really REALLY bums me out:
As a result, production on the second season of Spartacus—which was scheduled to get underway later this month—has been delayed.
@Capt Howdy: Word. Came as a complete surprise to me.
I cant decide if I would want them to do a second season if Andy Whitfield was unable to do it. I expect they would since it was pretty successful but its very hard to imagine anyone else in that role.
Talibunny, Tea Partiers, and the hate media have moved the bar again, now allowing “mainstream” people to be much more overt.
@Capt Howdy: I meant Alabama. I didn’t see any of that show. It’s a tough break for him. I’d guess they’ll wait unless it became apparent he’d be unable to shoot for an extended period. They must have all the sets up and staff on contract. Luckily their super-expensive insurance should foot the bill.
you really should see the show. I think you might like it.
I think it streams on netflix.
George Wallace, were he alive today, would be totally spooging at this plus the Tea Party plus the Arizona legislation.
I’m just curious as to how Barry Goldwater would feel.
I think Goldwater is probably spinning in his grave.
TJ: You’ll be glad to know Oklahoma back on track in the stupidity/discrimination against teh wimminz dept:
The Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.
Though other states have passed similar measures forcing women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma’s law goes further, requiring a doctor or technician to set up the monitor where the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims.
The second measure passed into law Tuesday protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of the bill is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to try to influence them against having an abortion.
This shit makes me so glad that I a) don’t have a functioning uterus and b) don’t live in Fucktardistan anymore.
I’ve always found it fascinating and bizarre that the same people who’re so obsessed with getting fetuses born are also the most pro-war, pro-death penalty and anti-family, poverty and health services.
@Original Andrew: We make the mistake of assuming that they are capable of logical, rational thought. They absolutely are not.
this is unbelievable
The second measure passed into law Tuesday protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of the bill is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to try to influence them against having an abortion.
how can that even be legal.
@Mistress Cynica: There’s still working here to make it illegal to “coerce” a woman to have an abortion based on race.
@Mistress Cynica: Please note that the law states it must be a vaginal probe ultrasound, not the dealie-o on your stomach. They’ve just mandated sexual battery on all women seeking an abortion. All. The governor’s veto message noted the lack of an exception for women who have been raped and are seeking an abortion. (Not that I think that having an abortion for other reasons justifies the incredible violation that a nonconsensual vaginal ultrasound is).
I was going to do a Stinque Department of Lady-Bits post on the law but the more I thought about it, the more I was hitting my head on my desk and I realized that every other word would be Fuck, Fuckity, Fucking, and AssHOOOOOLLLLLEEE.
@SanFranLefty: I see no problem with a post of this nature.
Also, I don’t want to go down the road of pitting racism against sexism, but in light of the fact that Obama commented on how awful AZ’s new immigration law was right away–and considering this one is just as appalling–it would be great if Barry could denounce this on behalf of all the Vagina-Americans.
And the good souls over at the Center for Reproductive Rights have already filed a lawsuit challenging the ultrasound requirement.
@flippin eck: Don’t hold your breath.
That guy looks like J.D. Hayworth with that overhanging forehead and deep crease in between the eyebrows.
Like an ass on the face. So apropos.
Not to mention that they spent the last year screaming about how they didn’t want the government getting between people and their doctors. Apparently, it’s OK if there’s ladybits involved.
Yah, how would a post like that be any different from anything else posted here?
It is just me or are we tippie-toeing into a police state in this country? Brown people hafta have papers. Women have to go through the hoo-ha probe to get an abortion.
These people must be stopped.
@SanFranLefty: I realized that every other word would be Fuck, Fuckity, Fucking, and AssHOOOOOLLLLLEEE.
500 words on my desk in the morning.
@SanFranLefty: “vaginal probe ultrasound” Day-um. I didn’t even know that was a thing.
@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Well, it looks like that didn’t take long for US-born brown folks to be interrogated for their birth certificate.
Do you have a laminated wallet-sized version to carry with you at all time, what with your NDN blood making you look so….I don’t know, what’s the word…ethnic?
@nojo: I’m trying to draft something coherent, but right now all I have is:
I need to work on my lede.
ADD: ALERT Lady-Bits discussion, boys, avert your eyes:
@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Oh yes, they exist. I haven’t birthed a baby so I don’t know what that feels like, but let’s just say it felt like a baby was trying to crawl back in there and/or like being sodomized with a baseball bat.
@SanFranLefty: Well, right wing assholes have been predicting a race war for years, but I never gave any thought about who would start it and how. Here’s something from 2003:
“LBJ, and the Immigration Act of 1965 opened the floodgates of immigration from third world nations. California is the first state to show, via 2000 census, that traditional whites are a minority. If the trend continues, whites will be a minority in the entire nation by 2050.
“We could so easily see what happened in the Balkans, also happen here in the USA. Apparently multicultural, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic democracies do not survive long. The minute the majority race, or culture loses it’s position of majority, the nation begins to undergo internal fracturing. It is my contention this is/was the plan beginning in 1965.
“The traditional European immigrant is not the typical immigrant of today.
“The vast majority are from Mexico, and Latin America, or Asia, as in Orientals. It is a fact, this group of immigrants, are NOT assimilating into the American melting pot as well as the pre and turn of the century European immigrants did. I personally have run into dozens of Latin America immigrants who have lived here almost ten years; and STILL refuse to learn English! They stick close to the traditions of their home country. This is NOT a fault in them personally, it is just a point to be made that this type of practice does NOT go into the melting pot well. It is like putting rocks in a blend of melted, combined cultures. The “rocks” will not, and refuse to become a part of the blend. ONCE AGAIN, I emphasize this is not a fault of the individuals themselves, nor does it make them less of a person, nor less precious in the Lords eyes! It is just a fact, and will be the elements of the future clash of cultures, and possible race wars. ”
@SanFranLefty: Plus, it’s “old news.” The intertoobs were awash with angry words about this last week.
@karen marie: Oh but hurrah, the Okie Legislature still has two more abortion bills pending and ready to come down the pike, one that would prohibit insurance coverage of abortion and one that would create a sex-offender type registry of women who had undergone abortion procedures. Among the information to be made publicly available on the Embryo List:
level of education
marital status
number of previous pregnancies
county in which the abortion was performed
reason for the abortion
her method of payment,
what type of insurance she has
Those two bills were part of the overall Lady-Bits Regulation Omnibus Bill the Legislature passed last year that was struck down for violating their single-subject rule. So this year they’re just breaking them into separate bills.
@SanFranLefty: Yeah, that’s old news. And considering how much it’s bounced around the internet this past week, I’m surprised more hasn’t been written or broadcast about it on one side or another. It makes me a little suspicious that we’re not getting the whole story. The bill hadn’t even been signed yet, so what was this stop all about? Was the LEO involved, city, state, or fed? Why is there a weigh station in the middle of town? There’s far more questions than answers, especially since the wife called the tv station before she’d even gone down to ICE to hand over his birth certificate and the update on ICE’s response doesn’t say why this was SOP. SOP for whom? Does that mean it was ICE who arrested him?
ETA: Because we’re a border state, ICE is always setting up roadblocks to catch aliens (though I’ve never seen one this far north) so if it was the feds who arrested him, it’s nothing new.
@SanFranLefty: sounds like the Kansas law from a few years back.
We should send those concern-troll crackers bumper stickers for their pickups that say “Least Likely to Survive the Race War.”
@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: @SanFranLefty: I cried hysterically through mine. It was painful and incredibly violating. It took two Xanax to calm me down afterwards.
@redmanlaw: I like my culture on the rocks.
I love this bit of doubletalk from that quote:
[it] begins to undergo internal fracturing
It’s like talking to kids: well, we were just playing baseball and then that window over there began to undergo internal fracturing – all by itself! No, that ball didn’t have anything to do with it, it was just there…
@rptrcub: Goldwater turned against the Christian fundie influence in the GOP long before he died, and if he were alive today, I doubt he would be a republican, and if he stayed in the party, he’d be the one to speak out against the teabagger shit. The GOP is screwed today because it has no more Goldwaters.
@rptrcub: I sense a sophisticated hidden agenda, in this proposal to make it unlawful to coerce a woman into having an abortion based on race. I sense an agenda to open up abortion providers to lawsuits alleging racial discrimination based on the fact that statistically, black women are more likely to have abortions. Sneaky, nasty shit there.
Is the weeding out of illegal immigrants a stealth plan plan to institute the Mark of the Beast? The Mark means it’s OK to be here.
“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-18
Ever think about that, right wing fundies? Tools.
/waves bashfully, grinning the grin of a helpful neighbor.
@SanFranLefty: I’m trying to draft something coherent, but right now all I have is:
I need to work on my lede.
@Leftism, FlyingChainSaw: Former professional journalist here. Our rule at the ol’ Daily Lobo was “put your most inflammatory stuff up high.” That rule has never failed me. (“She died with a beer can in her hand.”) Think of the gig as a mix of public service (education) and entertainment. If you do a data dump but everyone is bored to tears, you have not done your job.
On back flap: RML walked away from journalism because it wasn’t fun anymore. Before that, he could not believe that people paid him money to write news stories. He lived by the adage that done properly, journalism is a way of life. His expense slips were called the most creative she’d ever seen by the editor’s assistant. RML now engages in journalism only to purchase firearms.
@redmanlaw: If you do a data dump but everyone is bored to tears, you have not done your job.
I take it you never covered school-district budget meetings?
@flippin eck: it would be great if Barry could denounce this on behalf of all the Vagina-Americans…not likely after the deal-making he did with Stupidak over the health-care “reform”.
@Mistress Cynica: Fucktardistan is right. I lived there for two years and that was two years more than enough. Oklahoma really must be the most fucktarded state in the nation (sorry dad & stepmom & stepsiblings who live there). And I’m including Mississippi and Alabama. And I also don’t forgive my “hometown” recently deciding to cash in on Woodie Guthrie by staging a musicfest every summer in some field out by the utterly domestic airport.
@Tommmcatt Loves The Giant Floating Head: It is just me or are we tippie-toeing into a police state in this country?
Honey, we’re not tippie-toeing, the oligarchs are jack-booting and have been, overtly, at least since the Reagan years, probly longer. I thought their game was unbelievably transparent under W, but it’s reaching new levels, subtly sauced with a much more palatable “tone”, under the Reign of the Unicorn.
@nojo: @nojo: I did, and it sucked. Watching the small time hacks that get elected to a school board would sour anyone on the power game that is public education. I had more fun as a cop reporter (reading autopsy reports, wring on cop shootings) and on zoning and development including code enforcement on strip clubs. I found out that Denver just gave up on defining “specified anatomical areas” to be covered on dancers and just went to a drawing that we ran in the paper. I was on all the time back then.
@redmanlaw: I used to say that the most exciting story I covered was landfill zoning.
Which is true: the “local” landfill owner was a front for (if I recall) Waste Management, which wasn’t quite the household name in 1982.
@redmanlaw: Of course, the story we deliberately ignored was Evergreen Aviation, just down the road from the office. Private company, y’know. Never mind the pesky CIA rumors.
@nojo: They’s the Mob back in the day.
Yeah, check this shit out: Evergreen International Aviation, Inc. is an Oregon-based aviation company with longstanding ties to the CIA. Its huge Evergreen Maintenance Center in Arizona was bought from the Agency, which offered the property to no-one else.[1] In 1980 an Evergreen plane flew the recently deposed Shah of Iran from Panama to Egypt, hours before the Panamanian government was due to receive an extradition request from the new government in Tehran.[1]
They of course deny having a piece of the extraordinary rendition gig.
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