Scoundrels Seek Refugee Status

“Republican U.S. Representatives are 36 percent more likely to incorporate the American flag on campaign websites than Democrats; Congressmen are 64 percent more likely to do so than Congresswomen.” [University of Minnesota, via Political Wire]


Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.


One email shows a video of an African tribal dance, entitled “Obama Inauguration Rehearsal,” while another depicts hardcore bestiality.

And here I thought FCS was making up the whole “necrobestaility” angle. What was the name of the porno the clip was from? “Where the Red Fern Blows”, maybe? “Stiff Yeller”? “Black Booty”?


OMG, the e-mail was actually titled “Easy Steady Big Fella”.

What is wrong with these people?

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