God & Country

Title: “Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion”

Author: David Barton

Rank: 10

Blurb: “David Barton is founder and president of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization which distributes historical, legal, and statistical information, and helps citizens become active in their local schools and communities. He was appointed by the Texas State Board of Education and the California Academic Standards Commission to review their History/Social Studies standards.”

Review: “The first clue that Mr. Barton is telling the truth is the torrent of scathing reviews from the Secularists.”

Customers Also Bought: “The Question of Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers,” by David Barton

Footnote: 103 reviews, only three mentions of deism.

Original Intent [Amazon]

Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon kickback link]


This works as long as one ignores brown sugar loving Tom Jefferson and orgy participating Benjy Franklin and others, but then again the wackados never let facts/reality/history/human nature get in the way of their theological dreams.

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