The iPad is for Porn
At least when you stumble across the Chicago Republicans website, which asks the, um, pertinent question: “How much is enough?”
Answer after the jump. Definitely not safe for work. Or gays.
By the way, you’ll notice we couldn’t see the Flash ad at top. Or maybe you didn’t notice. We understand.
In related news, Giant Beaver Roams Albany.
@Benedick: The headline of that link is a gem just by itself: “Environmental groups roll out big beaver to protest cuts.”
Good God Gurdy check out the nipples on that Gal…I’m switchin parties NOW!
Nice nips on her – but the article is a condemnation of free enterprise. These commies need a whoopin’.
@FlyingChainSaw: Who reads the Chicago GOP website for the articles?
Now that’s an April Fools joke.
Ugh, that writing is atrocious. I could barely get through the first paragraph, and that’s after scrolling the distracting picture off the screen. Random spaces, weird word order, bizarre doubled adjectives. Lame.
I’m amused by the presence of Lauren Bush’s picture in the left hand column.
Skimming the rest of the posts on that blog, it looks fairly legit. So at first I thought, “were they hacked?” – then I clicked the author’s name on the post, and discovered a veritable treasure-trove of word salad.
Is “Lumi Boldovici” an Orly Taitz sockpuppet, or just a long-lost twin?
Checked the site: sez “We have 234 guests and 1 member online”. Sort of describes the GOP right about now.
@Mistress Cynica: “random Republican”
I’m amused by “Lumi”‘s pink glove in her profile picture.
I’m confused. I thought the GOP didn’t like female nipples. Next you’ll be telling me that they also have some good policy ideas or something.
@nojo: Here’s an example of what you’re missing without flash: “GOP Radio — get hard heard by over 200,000 ILGOP’ers.”
I think someone over there pegged the pic — it looks like Scarlett Johansson.
Awww. The post got pulled! Just when I was starting to have some fun…
@JNOV: So they’re peggers, as well?
(and I doubt that Scarlett is a “random Republican”, and frankly my dear, she’s a far sight purdier than that Rielle wmn as well)
@NaBEEsko: Naw — she campaigned for Obama. They’re a bunch of fools. And it looks like all of Lumi’s posts got pulled.
@JNOV: Well, that only took several hours. They’ve probably had more traffic today than in the past year.
@nojo: Post back up AND more bewbies and typos:
@JNOV: Yay boobies (sorry, but ten weeks away from hearth and home..)
Oh, but Ashcroft is a total shrink wrap.
ADD: He likes her “impressive of body”? I’ll bet.
Groan. Like bing cherries.
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