When You Can’t Let Go …

The Pontiac brand is dead, dead as a doornail, but some cannot let it die with dignity:

The Lingenfelter Trans Am, a bastardization of the new Camaro… good idea, or mocking the dead?



BREAKING HARD AND CRAZY: Orly Taitz throws her wig in the ring for California Secretary of State. Assuming she’s not in a federal pen in Georgia for contempt of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

@blogenfreude: OMFG, this is better news than Zsa-Zsa Gabor’s latest husband running for governor. Orly actually might have a shot in the GOP primary.

ADD: Apropos that I posted my threadjack on a post with a subject line of “When You Can’t Let Go…”

Transformers! More than meets the eye! Transformers! Robots in disguise!

@redmanlaw: Hot Wheels, of course. But the Superchargers suck.

Cars. Ugh. They need to disappear, all of them.

But we do have a slot-car track set up in the attic. Good times!

@nojo: The screaming chicken on the hood is a high school thing … it should be permitted death with dignity. Trans Am … passing over the river.

@blogenfreude: The screaming chicken on the hood is a high school thing

Being a late bloomer, I didn’t try that one until college.

@blogenfreude: The screaming chicken on the hood is a high school thing … it should be permitted death with dignity. Trans Am … passing over the river.

The screaming chicken should either occupy the whole of the hood in the most garish way possible, or not be on there at all. Wear your redneck with pride or don’t wear it at all, Delbert.

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