Stay Out of California Next Week, Senator Bunning


Senate Democrats spent Thursday night hammering away at Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) for single-handedly holding up action in the upper chamber — but he blurted out a message to one of them on the Senate floor: “Tough s—t.”

Suit? Spit? Slat? Stat? Slit? Tell us, Politico! We can handle it.

Sen. Jim Bunning holds floor: ‘Tough s–t’ [Politico]

How neo-Victorian of them. Next they’ll be dashing out G-d and d—.

for a shitty rag that dishes out huge steaming piles of shit on a daily basis thats a little ironic.

Nojo, you’re on a roll with alt text. Specifically, a roll of toilet paper.

For other crap out of California, see
I’m sure Pedo’s friend trying to get his out-of-network new liver covered will really get a kick out of it.

Tough stoat? They are pretty tough for rodents.

I think he said “tough Stout” in admiration of the new mom-in-law-pestorking Georgia rep.

@flippin eck: Stout can be tough to drink if you’re used to Coors or Bud or suchlike beer-flavored piss.

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