
The Jets lost the AFC championship game, and I’ve got nothing left. So I console myself w/ Herbie Hancock and Pat Matheny:


What can I say? When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way. From your first har de har to your last dyin’ day.

BTW. I’m astounded that anyone thought Harry could find his balls in the sofa. Way to go optimists. You do this is not actually South Pacific? Just wondering.

My back killing me, I have given myself up to lortabs, I went 2 weeks without a single pill, and I am crazy from it, so damn it, I am at least going to be tranquil in my pain.

@Promnight: 2 weeks without a pill? Well, darling, it’s about time you took one of daddy’s little helpers.

I’m sorry about your Jets, bloggie. I was where you are last week with my Cards so I know how you feel.

But today, the football gods smiled on me (ironically by giving the Saints another win) cuz Poindexter the gap-toothed motherfucker is a Vikings fan. Ha ha!

@Benedick: Oh, I was the one vote for Harry finding his balls. Guess I was optimistic after reading the profile in the NYT mag.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: C’mon, the fact that asshat ex cheers for the Vikings shouldn’t be the only reason for cheering for the Saints. You know that Texans should cheer for the Aint’s when they’re not playing the Oilers* or the Cowboys. Not to mention that San Antonio’s #1 car dealer Tom Benson has owned the Saints and was cool enough to not move the team to the Alamo City, despite the manic jonesing of city leaders dying for a NFL team, except to bring them to Texas for the 2005 post-Katrina season when the Superdome was rebuilt.

*I refuse to call the Houston team the Texans. It should be Oilers. And I refuse to cheer for Houston’s new NFL team out of that same principle.

@SanFranLefty: Poindexter wasn’t the only reason I was cheering for the Saints. (I just put that out there first because revenge is mighty mighty sweet.) There’s the Texan quarterback and I’ve had a soft spot for them since the Bum/Earl days. Remember that?

What? No “Pants on the Ground” clip? Everyone else is doing it.

Is the Superdome the oldest domed stadium in the NFL now?

@nojo: I think American Idol clips have a short shelf life. The window of opportunity is closed.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: As new windows open. This one may last as long as Crazy English Lady.

@nojo: The cymbal really makes the song. Who’s the crazy english lady?

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: Crazy English Lady who did Pop Idol or something last year, became a Web Sensation, and ended up with a top-selling album over the holidays.

I know she has a name, but damn if I’m gonna Google it.

@nojo: Susan Boyle. Most watched clip on the YouTubes last year, if I’m not mistaken.

@nojo: Decided to take the road less traveled … & c.

@blogenfreude: Good for you.

@nojo: Oh, okay. I was confused because I thought you meant another joke audition. Boyle actually won her competition or came in second. Damn, if I’m gonna Google either.

@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: I thought you meant another joke audition.

There’s a difference?

Bleary with jet lag all day long and I still forgot about football. Can you believe that I watched all of five minutes of cricket on the tube over the weekend and actually appreciated it? Plus, the Afghan national cricket team (squad? masher? wikis?) rolled up to my hotel in a bus today.

The ‘Aints prime WR is a central Pennsyltucky boy, and in the Nabisco household, if the Steelers ain’t in the game, go with the NFC. The Iggles exception trumps that, of course.

Oh and, hey y’all!

@Nabisco: ‘Bisco!! How are you?!

Cricket is fun to watch. I have no fucking clue what is going on, but enjoyed watching it on the telly in Kiwi-land.

Don’t you have an election to monitor? Here’s to minimal violence at the polls.

@JNOV: I think if I were to say that I’d get slapped in the face

@SanFranLefty: No ‘monitoring’, but rather ‘reporting for internal purposes’. The lotus and gunpowder folks do not like western influence, possibly a good reason why the oppo guy (a) lost, (b) is a-skeered for his life right about now. He has a green card, which became the local equivalent of “secret mooslim” meme.

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