Jump Jump Maru!

After a day of right-wing murderers, Charles Krauthammer, and Bill O’Reilly, I thought we should take the edge off with a bit of Maru:


That’s some Wil E. Coyote shit right there.

@JNOV: I love it when he lands on his ass, and looks, like, I totally meant to do that.

If they could throw their paws up in the air like a gymnast pretending they stuck the landing, they would.

@Mistress Cynica: Yes, and I’d say it was on par with the box.

@JNOV: Oh yes, the box with all the holes cut in it. Now that’s entertainment.

For added badness, he should cast the fly into an 8-lane highway.

@blogenfreude: My exact thought. I have never met a cat who acknowledged a screw-up.

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