Wingnut of the Day
Bill Cunningham. The money shot is about one minute in.
He manages to make Geraldo Rivera look thoughtful. I thought that couldn’t be done.
Bill looks like the stick up his ass has a stick up its ass.
Beckel and Rivera do a pretty good job considering they’re surrounded by shameless, odius, wingnut demagogues.
You keep digging up these winners for us.
Where does Fox find these people?
Back when W was in the WH, I had to stop watching stuff like this because it really drove me nuts. Things really have changed. That was the most entertaining part of my day so far. Thank you!
@DeaconDrJones: No problem. As for where Fox finds these people – I’m guessing Bircher meetings and KKK fish plankings.
Is Sean Hannity the single most irritating person on television – at least in between the commercials? He reminds me of Zsa Zsa Gabor who had no talent and yet seemed to turn up constantly on the tube.
@DeaconDrJones: It was the press briefings that drove me up the wall. Had to stop watching once Scott McClellan took over, ironic given that he’s since emerged as “the good guy.”
@Dave H: Without a doubt. The whining voice, the complete fabrications, the posture of victimization, the naked hatred. Even an actor could only do it for one movie or at the longest term a moderately long-running play. Proof that Hannity really is a fuckwitted, lying, mewling fascist.
@Dave H:
Bite your tounge. Zsa Zsa Gabor was fabulous.
How they manage to hold that many contradictory opinions at one time without their heads exploding is beyond me. And yes, someone who make Geraldo look like a passable facsimile of a reasonable human being has considerable wingnut chops.
@Mistress Cynica: It has been established that Geraldo Rivera is not entirely a human being because obviously he has balls of steel.
Geraldo: “Latin America is my specialty.”
And here I thought it was empty safes, chair-throwing, hurricane-diving, and revealing the location of troops.
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