And Impossible to Cure

Yeah, we know: Golf. Your point?

There’s no context like out of context.

WTOC-TV [Savannah, Georgia]

If only he’d marry Marcia Gay Harden she could be Marcia Gay Harden Gay.

Or, in Georgia’s 1st gay marriage he could marry Gay Talese who could then become Gay Gay. Or, as he prefers to be called, Mr. Gay Gay.

As I understand it, gay isn’t hard to catch at all – in fact, it has already caught all of us dudes. According to the esteemed Sir Iggy Pop, Esq., MBE, etc., “all boys are queer.”
Since his carefully constructed argument can only really be attacked with a standard, humdrum “Nuh uh” gambit, I guess his thesis stands. I’m fine with that. I don’t mind being described as “mostly straight.”
Srsly, isn’t the whole sexuality thing more a continuum than a binary thing anyway? Wait, what were we talking about? I got distracted when Benedick said “hard.”

@Jebediah: According to the esteemed Sir Iggy Pop, Esq., MBE, etc., “all boys are queer.” They are if they went to school in England.

Gay earns record win at Heritage

Yes, I imagine a gay feller could have quite a time at the Heritage Foundation… mostly in a darkened broom closet with a succession of randy but discreet foundation lifetime members.

@Serolf Divad: Some times angry, hateful, shameful gay sex is the most fun.

Hey, I’m a hetero who watches Project Runway.
I haven’t caught the gay yet, so the theory seems to be accurate.

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