Frank Miller’s Charlie Brown

Linus? You're going with me.

Timothy Lim and Jean Luc Pham present Schulz City, mashing our childhood and adulthood in a few deft strokes.

Frank Miller’s Charlie Brown [Cinematical, via Sully]


What is PigPen? Is he going to be the freak with a hump? There HAS to be someone with a deformity in a Frank Millar comic.

Franklin is probably also thugged up as it must be in Frank’s world. Yup, all tinted folks are crazy thugs or sluts in Frank’s world.

Also missing is the rather obvious (even to this hetro) current of homophobia/eroticism.

This is awesome. Anyone who has read the original Peanuts strips will remember Charlie Brown started out thin and with a serious attitude. He drove Lucy crazy with his “Spring is coming” schtick..

Lucy: “Spring is coming”
CB: “He is?”
Lucy: “Not he is, it is”
CB: “It is what?”
Lucy: “Spring is coming”
CB: “He is?”
Lucy: “Aaaargh!”

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