WorldNetDaily, Your Pig Sex Leader
Having lost traction on the Fake Birth Certificate front, and running out of angles to promote Ann Coulter’s new “book”, WorldNetDaily dips into the well and pulls out…
Pig Sex!
Honestly, that’s a new one to us. But WND, which makes Drudge look like the BBC, has done the research:
The online Urban Dictionary defines “pig sex” as “outrageously dirty such as water spots, defecation, male on male bondage, group-sex and bestiality,” although there was no indication that this event would involve animals.
Yes, “water spots”. We think it has something to do with bathroom tile.
We bring this to your attention because WND has gone to great lengths to bring it to ours, with so much detail that you expect Jerome Corsi to make an Important Personal Announcement any day now. But until he’s ready to reveal his strange attraction to Coulter’s junk, WND is covering for his forbidden love by couching its gay porn as Shocking! Inaugural! News!
A homosexual “pig sex” orgy has been planned at a Washington hotel just as the traditional inaugural party season – this year honoring President-elect Barack Obama – is beginning, according to a Christian group that ministers to homosexuals.
Second floor at the Doubletree, if you happen to be in the neighborhood Saturday night. Tell them “Jerry” sent you.
‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week [WND]
Amateurs, Stinquers and proto-Stinquers in the epoch were already covering the bestiality front. They’re way out in front in neonazi coverage, though.
I take it that this something that most “fans” of WND will secretly masturbate to while decrying it as evil.
Hey! I like the Doubletree. the one down near the Kennedy Center. I always stay there when I’m working in DC.
BTW. Perhaps some of you policy wonkers could explain something to me that I’ve often puzzled over: Why is the K Center so hideous? No, but really? Why? The opera house is ghastly. The Eisenhower slightly better (good theatre to play in, I must say). The chandeliers? Are they modelled on Jackie O’s earrings or what? Good God.
MAL is sooooo passe. If they really want to get all pissy, they need to go to IML, in the hometown of our new Hot Chocolate Overlord and in the den of corruption that is the Windy City.
Picture Blago in leather. You’re welcome.
@rptrcub: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Benedick: I put it down to being designed and built in the ’60s. Ghastly era for architecture, IMHO.
@Mistress Cynica: Oh FSM yes. The 60s and 70s were a bad, bad time to be a new construction site.
@Benedick: I will grant you that all the performance spaces look better when the lights are down, but are the Hall of States and Hall of Nations not wonderful?
I used to LOVE the black party, the only event I’ve ever been to where I felt comfortable being the freak I am….
@mellbell: Yes but don’t they feature said chandeliers? Those are some seriously ugly chandeliers: ostentatious without being impressive.
@Mistress Cynica: Isn’t it roughly the same era as Lincoln Center? That’s not ugly. Although the State Theater is only fit to be a warehouse for Ikea. Inhuman. And yes I know it was built to Balanchine’s specs but he’s dead so who cares?
@Benedick: The foyer does (and it would be ugly even without them, because of the poorly designed ramps and the ridiculous mirror), but the Hall of States and Hall of Nations do not.
I, for one, am glad that WND is branching out with their new column:
“Things to Fuck Besides Your Grandchildren”
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