Stinque Jam III: Brave New World
If it’s Saturday, it must be Stinque.
Brave New World [Flickr]
As I have dropped my data plan on my AT&T, I cant immediately Jammerate, but I’ll try to get something, as soon as I recover my camera from the place where I watched teh Hope win.
When I’m more sober, I’m going to see if I can find my pictures of Cairo. Right now I’m all fucked up on anti-anxiety meds. Anxiety is the worst part of my craziness.
Ugh. Now I’m getting pro-Palin ads.
I think we need a replay of Nabisco with Kofi Kofi. (Yes, I know it’s only one Kofi, but I think/hope Boutrous Boutrous has set a trend.)
Didn’t want to top the Jam, so I put up a video (my current favorite) just below it. Enjoy.
Chicago to Republicans: I got your “shining city” right here. Beautiful shot.
Under the “Not so Un US American now” category.
Baked’s pict with the camera over one eye made me think of the Borg from Star Trek, a hott sexy Borg…”resistance if futile, we will assimilate you….”
yeah! the borg!
i’m drunk pic posting drunk pics.
ignore me.
Nope. Not gonna to ignore you.
what an attention span the stinquers have…. gnats,
send in pics! i’m miserable and lonely tonight…and love pics. my true calling. i want to see yours!
that pic of me is my self portrait. send in yours!
@ManchuCandidate: I don’t believe in that reconcilliation stuff being serious. McCain is going to campaign down in Georgia for Saxby Shameless in the face of the Dec. 2 runoff with Dem Jim Martin. They will throw everything possible at Jim — who was a Vietnam vet just like Max Cleland, the guy Chambliss morphed into bin Laden in Rovian commercials. They will work like hell to revive those hatreds Palin brought out nationally. The Dems better throw all they can to getting out the vote here.
OBAMA alert. It’s 7 pm Eastern Saturday and BOOk TV ( CSpan 2) is rerunning an October 2006 talk by Obama about his book Audacity of Hope. Interviewed by Bob Herbert at JFK School of Government.
Further Obama Alert. Tomorrow at 10 pm Eastern, Book TV is rerunning a talk by O from 2004 about his first book, Dreams from My Father.
Oh dear. The camera and I don’t get along or I’m much uglier than I think I am.
Yeah, they aren’t being friends. As one of the writers put it, they don’t want to be on the “wrong” side of history. Note to Bachmann et al, you already are. Go Jim Miller. Kick that fat sack of shit Saxby to the ground.
If all the Borg looked like Baked then assimilation wouldn’t be that hard.
jeezusmaryandjoseph that pict turned out fucking huge!! Fugly Warning!! Not safe for viewing by sensitive viewers.
@ManchuCandidate: no shit. Heh, Heh assimilation…hard…heh, heh ( I may be old, but I am still sophomoric).
@baked: Diogenes of about 4:30 this afternoon. You can’t get much more current than that.
@AARPrick: I LOVE IT! All you’re missing is an unhappy pumpkin.
Looking forward to regular Israeli Soldier features when baked moves to Jerusalem.
@IanJ: And may I just say, sir, damn.
@ManchuCandidate: Wait, what? You have a picture up? I must see what my non-too-secret crush looks like. Yeah, yeah, love all you other crushes, too.
@IanJ: I’d like to see a tub pic as well…
Nope. Not yet unless I add enough vaseline to the lens.
Thank your lucky stars my scanner is still acting up.
@ManchuCandidate: I love you no matter what!
@IanJ: Where’s Ms. Krall and the twins?
@JNOV: Any remaining pumpkins are to remain virginal for Thanksgiving festivities.
@AARPrick: The Great Sacrifice of the Great Pumpkin.
@JNOV: I can’t decide between that, and furiously masturbating as hot women walk by in the marketplace. In a tragedy of indecision, I’ll probably do neither.
@IanJ: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There is something about “furious” that tells me it should never be paired with “masturbate.” Chalk it up to personal experience.
I tried your breathing technique, and I promptly fell asleep. Glorious deep sleep until the TiVo accidentally turned to the Lawrence Welk show and gave me nightmares.
Who is that tiger eating? Siegfried or Roy? Just like Steve Irwin, you knew it was bound to happen.
That would be Tippoo’s Tiger, and he’s eating a Brit who didn’t go native quickly enough.
@nojo: “The tiger houses an organ, possibly the work of a Frenchman in Tipu’s service, which simulates its roar and the shrieks of the victim.”
uh oh — JR got the scanner working…you’ve been warned…
@JNOV: Sweeet start cranking out the pics!
@Mistress Cynica: May I second the wish to baked that we get weekly Israeli soldier photo updates upon the move to Jerusalem? Can I have an AMEN from pedo and homofascist and rptrcub and the rest of the ghey enclave on that one? Shit, I may have to do that Jew homeland tour they promise all the teenaged Jewish kids – I was 35 when I finally learned I was Jewish, so don’t I get my free trip too?
has anyone checked airfare to DC for inaugural weekend? Holy fuck, it’s expensive, and would cost 100K frequent flier miles. I’m going to be flying in to Newark or Philly and taking the train down for the festivities. Book it now, boys and girls.
@SanFranLefty: Not a chance in hell I’ll be able to afford to go. Someone with an iPhone please liveblog it for me.
@Mistress Cynica: Many people with many iPhones. And Crackberries. And whatever SFL uses.
We’ll be Jammin’ on Inaugural Day. Anyone who doesn’t have a camphone, I’ll probably slip my number so they can text updates.
@Mistress Cynica: I just cobbled together all my FF miles to phly to Philly. JNOV, Nabisco, or Prommie – you’re driving my white ass down to DC, and more importantly, driving it back up to Philly at the ass-crack of dawn the morning after the inauguration so I can catch a 9 am flight back to Cali. Sorry I didn’t ask before booking it, but literally I was watching my FF options flee before my eyes, and I had visions of having to fly in to Boston and Amtrak down to DC
@SanFranLefty: Hell fuck yeah! Baked, please to be packing one in your carry on.
@nojo: Tippoo’s Tiger, too! I’ve known for a long time that I’m in the right place with all you guys, and I just keep getting confirmation. My postcard of Tippoo’s Tiger from the V&A is one of my most treasured souvenirs from several trips to one of my Old Countries (my four grandparents’ birth surnames were Riddile & Purdy and Ziomber & Kusiak, so that means England, Scotland, Poland, and possibly the Ukraine (Ziomber).
Can’t go to inauguration but looking forward to reports from Stinquers who make the trek.
att: all stinquers,
i think photographing the soldiers will be mission one when i get over there. it will be a few months, but you have my word, as does my nether regions, that they will be properly documented for our..uh, viewing pleasure.
i LOVE the pics. nojo, you continue to amaze and delight me with your ideas. the photo jam is my fave feature. fuck the 4th wall. and remember the words to live by, “always put your best pubes forward”.
i can now fantasize over ianJ and my new crush…the prick!
and i want to see a pic of nojo that isn’t 30 years old. or would you prefer not to disturb my fantasy?
hey lefty,
they keep raising the age limit on ‘birthright’. my oldest nephew just jumped on it when they raised it to 27. at our advanced years, we gonna have to pay. even if they keep raising the age, we’re too old NOW to climb masada. my lazy ass was in a cable car with the fat fundies.
but maybe they will entertain your special circumstances.
you missed the damn greatest beach house, which packing up is about to commence. probably be here next winter too.
we have a funky ancient rehabbed house in jerusalem in an old, and yet hip new area undergoing renewal and can walk almost anywhere. i have to drive my trash to the gate now. it will be an interesting change.
but but..can she stand the lying cheating rat bastard?
are there soldiers nearby? YES! yes i can!
my house–there’s your ‘birthright’ trip right there!
@SanFranLefty: We’ll work it out, Lefty.
Well, my “picting while driving” experiment didn’t work. Someone took one of those huge ass Geezer-Bunny signs and spray-painted “Change” on top of “McCain” then “Hope in 2012” or something on the bottom. Far as I can tell it’s a pro-Bunny statement because of the shitty lettering and the drive-by visual of the whole thing.
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