PHOTO of JIM HOFT Person of Idiot in Orgy of Internet Shaming About to Commence

Kick me. Hard. In the nuts.

The “Gateway Pundit” is far from alone in rushing to persecute an innocent victim of the Boston Marathon bombing — Hi, Pam! — but his eagerness to visually identify the not-suspect is illustrative:

Never mind.

Let’s run down that post, taking care not to name the poor guy, who’s suffered enough…

  • “Here is the Facebook page of the Saudi national guarded by federal agents at a Boston hospital.”
  • “The name was released by Townhall and Free Republic.”
  • “Here is [Not Suspect] with a metal pipe.”
  • “[Not Suspect] studied English at NESE – The New England School of English.”
  • “FOX Nation has more on [Not Suspect]”
  • “UPDATE: FOX News reported that the Saudi man is not a suspect in the blast.”

And, violating a Cardinal Rule of the Internet, you may actually enjoy reading the comments, at least one of the latest ones: “The ‘metal pipe’ in the Disney photos is actually a kids’ cardboard kaleidoscope.”


I used to do a weekly wingnut roundup – as pig ignorant as most of them are, Hoft takes it a step further and heads straight for dumb.An apology will not be forthcoming.

@blogenfreude: I remember the roundup from the other site. I recall initially passing from laughter to depression as I read some of it and realized how serious these folks are and HOW MANY OF THEM ARE OUT THERE.

Meanwhile, reports of a real suspect are leaking out, but nothing confirmed yet.

Caught on tape at the Lord & Taylor, apparently.

Boston Globe CNN reporting arrest; awaiting details.

ADD: NBC not confirming.

Tom Tomorrow: “Welcome to the Rashomon News Network”

ADD2: AP now confirming.

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