We’re Not Above Quoting Galatians 6:7

Man who staged fiery protest outside General Mills dies of heart attack days later [Star Tribune]

I guess he should have eaten the Cheerios rather than burning them.

This is why you don’t ever fuck with General Mills.

Anyone else noticed the proliferation of tech things named Sky-something? SkyNet can’t be very far off, then we’ll really have something to fear.

It already exists. The Terminator movies were wrong because if Skynet has a voice then it sounds like Alan Rickman.


Too bad. He had such a promising career in absurdist comedy ahead of him.

I might have picked Galatians 6:9 instead. It goes, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Apparently this bozo missed the conditional phrase “if we faint not”.

But then again, how was he ever going to top his flaming Cheerios moment? Performers should always leave us wanting more.

@Dave H: how was he ever going to top his flaming Cheerios moment?

Diet Coke and Mentos.

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