Tim Conway (1933 – 2019)

No one could play the straight man when he was in gear …


@TJ/ Jamie Sommers /TJ: If you watch HK’s legs, you can see him trying to channel it there so he doesn’t break. For a while, he succeeds.

A humble legend. There won’t be another like him.

Sorry I haven’t checked in recently, I’ve been trying not to punch holes in the walls with all of the idiotic anti-choice bills being passed in the states recently. I often think of and miss our favorite bipolar stoner dog-lover from Philly and the Caribbean, but damn I wish baked still were here (and had been here in October 2016) just so I could laugh/cry at her brilliant insights/insults.

@SanFranLefty: starting a new contract job Monday, so I’ve been home the last 6 weeks wallowing in the news. Gaslit Nation and a few other podcasts save me – but someone needs to do something. Perhaps all of us. Just tell me where to show up.

Oh, and my mayor is running for president. We are not amused.

@blogenfreude: Can’t remember who said it, but someone on the webs wondered when BdB will publish his own ‘Why I’m Leaving New York’ essay, ha ha.

@¡Andrew!: I’ve been in both Gracie Mansion and the White House, and the latter is noticeably nicer.

Oh my, do we have a Russian troll?

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