Keep Calm and Bugger On

Quite right.


I can’t even imagine the apoplectic reaction of England’s Goode Christian Bitches to this news.

Tonight we spilled milk on the keybord. Now we cnnot chieve the first letter of the lphbet. Plese ber with me while I shre my glee over this crtoon from the most recent issue of the New Yorker: Mn stnding in front of lectern with mericn flg behind him sys: “I’m just like ny other politicin in the rce – I tke my pnts off one leg t time.”

I LOVE IT! bob is the genius behind this gem.

@lynnlightfoot: Spilled milk, likely story…

Missed you! What have you and Mr. LL been up to?

@SanFranLefty: I love you, darlin. I walked over to Best Buy, and got a new keyboard, native ingenuity availing us nothing. You may not hear much from me, because pressure of caregiving, which is gladly, usually, for the most part undertaken by me. How could I not love a man who laughs in his sleep, who in 48 years has never offered me or our child any violence, who makes me laugh nearly every day by some witty apercu, and is just a superb companion for all weathers of life.

Having said all that, it strikes me that you all here I feel the same way about. I’ve mostly abandoned my emails (clogged with crud]. I log on here and at Wonkette and at Dailyzen and daily poetry and daily kitten and Paul Krugman Mondays and Fridays. You keep me sane and in touch. Thanks.

@blogenfreude: I hope to decipher this when I have had less to drink.

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