
The horrible weather approaching New York City has me thinking about things like this:


Can anybody guess the city? I have no idea – tag on the first car the (Opel Calibra?) hits seems European …

Don’t know the city, but I’m guessing Russia. The YouTube poster Soby MefX is listed as in Spain, but many of his videos are Russian. Google “russian license plates” in Images, and look at the 12th example.

Do I get partial credit, teacher?

@RevZafod: You get full credit, as long as I get full credit for identifying an Opel Calibra – not even sold in the U.S.

I was disappointed when I realized this wasn’t an Orly Taitz post…

As a general rule, civilian dashboard cam = Russia. It’s not a geek fetish or tech fad, but something to do with insurance, or lack of same — if somebody sideswipes you, you want it documented on video.

@Tommmcatt Can’t Believe He Ate The Whole Thing: I thought it was ghey pron posted by Benedick when I saw the title.

@nojo: I suppose it’s all the crazy shit that happens in Russia – Jalopnik does a brisk business in those dashcam videos.

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