Luce With The Facts
Title: “TIME for Kids BIG Book of Why: 1,001 Facts Kids Want to Know”
Authors: Editors of Time for Kids Magazine
Rank: 93
Blurb: “Kids will be desperate to share what they’ve learned with their parents, teachers, and friends… and anyone else who will listen.”
Most Helpful Favorable Review: “I enjoyed reading this book with my grandson and we both learned some new things.”
Most Helpful Critical Review: “Fortunately, before my granddaughters started reading this book, I had the opportunity to leaf through it, and I was appalled. I have PhD degree in chemical engineering, and a fairly solid knowledge of astronomy and Earth science, so I concentrated on the Earth and Space sections. Here is my assessment. The author seems to be lacking basic understanding of the above mentioned subjects.”
Customers Also Bought: “777 Great Clean Jokes”
Footnote: “Sometimes, when you go to the Internet or you watch news on TV, it’s not completely accurate.” —Time For Kids, “What to Do When the News Is Sad”, December 17.
TIME for Kids BIG Book of Why [Amazon]
Buy or Die [Stinque@Amazon Kickback Link]
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