Mitt Romney’s Potemkin Relief Event

“But the last-minute nature of the call for donations left some in the campaign concerned that they would end up with an empty truck. So the night before the event, campaign aides went to a local Wal-Mart and spent $5,000 on granola bars, canned food, and diapers to put on display while they waited for donations to come in, according to one staffer.” [BuzzFeed]


Next week at this time, his no. 1 task will be cleaning up after Ann’s horses.

@Dodgerblue: What’s the over-under that at this time next week one or both sides will have lawyered up over ballot counts in (choose one) Ohio-Colorado-Florida-Iowa-Pennsylvania?

@Beggars Biscuit: I’m thinking of calling next Tuesday’s open thread “Steal This Election”. Because whoever wins, the other side will spend eternity bitching about it.

In defense of Mitten’s campaign team, they *had* to do a fake event – if they’d been collecting what the Red Cross has stated they actually need, they wouldn’t have been able to control the candidates: Mittens would have kept diving for the money, and ZEGS would have gone into full-on “OMG ALTRUISM IZ WEAKNESS / PRECIOUSSSSS BODILY FLUIDS” freak-out mode at a blood drive. ;)

@Beggars Biscuit: If there are such, what is the over-and-under re how much money Christy and Rubio will contribute to the Democrats?

@al2o3cr: Mitt could have said something like “You know that silly $10,000 bet I made last winter? Well, now I’m giving it to the Red Cross.”

And then whipped out a GIANT CHECK.

Not that difficult a play, and you still get a visual out of it. Plus, it would have reinforced the Red Cross message that did appear in the auditorium, although it wasn’t part of the photo op.

Thankfully, Team Mitt is stupid, and didn’t think of that.

Team Mitt is dumber than a bag full of Krauthammers.

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