Understatement of the Day

“We discourage people from walking over hot coals,” San Jose Fire Department Capt. Reggie Williams told the San Jose Mercury-News, after more than 20 people had to go to the hospital with second and third-degree burns during a Tony Robbins event.

[Merc: 21 People Treated for Burns After Firewalk]

Tony Robbins, that stupid fuck, would be nowhere if it were not for his looks and that chin. Fuck him.

@blogenfreude: He’s the Tom Cruise Scientologist for poor people. The fact that people paid $1,000 each to go listen to him and walk on coals made me have a sad.

FWIW, I was literally three feet from a couple of dudes doing the fire walking thing when I was on the Teardrop Island. Real coals – I could have cooked marshmallows from my seat.

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