Dick Clark, 1929-2012

TV legend Dick Clark dies at age 82 [USA Today]

Don Cornelius is waiting for him in Music Heaven.

Saw the title of your post and said to my husband: “Evidently Dick Clark died.” He said, “That’s impossible!”

Great picture. I wonder if it’s from his Philly days.

Philly is a little taste of heaven.

ADD: Yeah, I think it is. Those girls behind him with the embroidered letters on their uniforms probably went to West Catholic for Girls located on the same block, south of Studio B. Studio B burned down around 1983, and the fire melted the windows in the school.

Dick and Batman. (It took me way too long to figure out how Batman and Robin walked down those walls.) Anyway, Batman was wrong, but, meh wuddyoogawnnado?

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