Take the Newt Gingrich Comeback Challenge!

[@newtgingrich, via @theharryshearer]

Fuck him.

Hey. Do any of you do wheresgeorge.com

@JNOVw00tah: That’s Callista’s job description. I wouldn’t wish that on any of us.

@Walking Still:

BTW, shouldn’t that be Woman with Newt? Unless he’s counting his exes.

@ManchuCandidate: He may be counting his staff. Who knows what’s going on when Callista is getting her hair done?

@Walking Still:
He was supposed to have made a pledge of “No New Bitches.”

Like most things he’s done with his life… he probably broke it.

@JNOVw00tah: Cool beans! I just entered the four dollar bills in my possession. Have you ever had a bill you possessed turn up at wheresgeorge in someone else’s possession? This is a perfect use for the interwebz.

What the fuck is in the fucking H2O in Sandy Eggo?

SD County Teabagger Party Mouthpiece arrested for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman.

No doubt the Cheeto-stained fingerprints brought the po-po straight to his mom’s basement.

@SanFranLefty: H2O is right. It’s been raining here. Throws everybody off.

@karen marie has her eyes tight shut: I don’t know, because I forgot my log on from Back in the Day, and I kinda forgot about the site. :-( I figure living in AC means that my bills might go far.

@Walking Still: :-)

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