Get to Work, Kids!

GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich told a crowd at Harvard today that he thinks U.S. child labor laws are “truly stupid” and should be eliminated because such laws are “crippling” and “entrapping” children in poverty.  Getting rid of child labor laws would “change the culture of poverty in America.”

And then he swung by the Beacon Hill Tiffany’s to get a bauble for his wife Skeletor.

Okay, I made the last bit up. First paragraph is all true.


Historical note: so called “self” “made” “man”Newty Toot spent his entire life sucking on the public teat.

@ManchuCandidate: Until the teat got cancerous, and wasn’t so attractive.

And then he swung by the Beacon Hill Tiffany’s to get a bauble for his wife Skeletor.

Okay, I made the last bit up.

Yes, because there is no Tiffany’s on Beacon Hill. The closest one is about 10 blocks away, at Copley Place.

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