Now That’s More Like It

“Occupy Wall Street hoped to show there was life after Zuccotti Thursday by staging a series of marches and rallies — starting with a sneak attack on the Stock Exchange itself… The ‘day of action’ is to begin early, with protesters converging on Wall Street camouflaged in business suits hoping to blend in with office workers trooping out of the subway.” [Daily News]


A report from the Stinque Southeasterndumbfuckistan Bureau — They’re arresting kids outside of where I work.

@rptrcub: You must get out of that hellhole, Cubbie. There’s a futon in our home office with your name on it…

@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: Thanks, love. That’s the wonderful thing about this site/community — I now know people in almost every major American city.

@rptrcub: So do I. But none of them will talk to me.

@Benedick: You can come stay on the couch, darling. That way you don’t have to make it up the stairs.

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